something sweet for my chicks


Oct 21, 2020
My husband has spoiled our 30 chicks to chasing marshmallows! It's fun to watch but I know it's too much sugar. I have tried bread, sunflower seeds, and cherios. They spit out and won't eat. I prefer something to throw so they get more exercise. Any suggestions?
Watermelon, strawberries, bananas... basically any fruit. I agree with you, don’t give them marshmallow; it’s very bad for them. Bread and excessive carbs are also bad for chickens unless fed in moderation and certainly not everyday.
Might try raisins sparingly, it's also sweet but natural as long as not sugar coated.

Some bird seed mixes have raisins, dried cranberries, and other dried fruit pieces as well as nuts mixed with the seeds that I sometimes mix with Scratch Grains at a 7# to 25# ratio.

I also wait to dole out treats till 10 weeks old. GC
I really like to throw raw oatmeal (in moderation of course.) they will be skeptical at first, but as soon as they taste it they will go crazy for it! My chooks will pick raw oatmeal over cheerios any day.

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