Something very wrong with Turkey!? Help!


Jun 26, 2023
I just recently got my third Turkey after the other 2 died from already being sick where I got them, now the third Turkey which was purchased later is showing health issues (possibly respiratory) he was seeming okay but I’ve noticed he has been pooping a orange-red poop and when I hold him it sounds like he’s making a popping noise when he breathes, this seems very serious so please help me out! They have electrolytes and probiotics in their water and I heard VetRX can work for respiratory but that’s all I know, please please comment if you have any info!
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Is there any special medication I should get? I’m not even sure he’s going to make it through the night because it looks like he’s struggling to breathe (he’s breathing out of his mouth) not sure how much he weights but he’s around a week old.. I don’t want to lose another Turkey.. I just got him 2 days ago, and if he dies this will be my third Turkey dead.. do you think I’m getting them already sick? Maybe the place I’m buying them isn’t reliable Turkey wise, but I don’t know what to do at this point, I’m so lost and I just want him to get better!

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