Somewhat new to doing chickens


8 Years
Mar 24, 2011
Hi Everyone,

I am new to this type of communication (I usually just do direct responses), so bear with me if my idea’s and thoughts are a little jumbled.

A little history: My grandparents had a farm when I was a kid. So I remember all the fun of having chickens. I was in FFA during high school and did 6 chicken then, but i was living in the city where i couldn't have them. Now that I finally live in an area that I can have them, and a yard I can have them in (3.5 acres!), I couldn’t wait to get started.

I started doing a little research about the different types of chickens, conditions they would live in, ect. Anyone who’s ever tried a new venture and succeeds has always done their research first.

I decided on about 5 or 6 different breeds that I liked (eggs were my main interests for having chickens). I already had an area for the coop to go in; a 20 x 50 fenced in area (6’ high chain linked fence), just no house for them to be in. I have built plenty of shed in my day, so I figured that would be better than buying one. My kids and I cleared all of the low branches and junk plants out of it. We even trimmed the trees so they won’t be tempted to roost in a tree.

But I got a little ahead of Last month I went to the local (nothing is local here) store and they had Buff Orpington chicks in stock. There were on 13 in the tub, and the minimum to buy was six. Well, I bought them all! Lucky for me, after just moving and unpacking, I had an empty box for a temporary pen. Being that they were so tiny there was plenty of room to move. I only needed about a week to get a chance to build a brooding box to raise them in.

Well, I think I keep building things BIG. Their brood box is 3’Lx2’Wx2’T. They loved it. Plenty of room to move in and out of the heat lamp, stretch their wings, set up the pecking order, room for their food and water, and all of the normal stuff. And it went great! Now they are almost feathered out, and growing fast. Had to put a pole in for a roost, as they no longer want to lay on the ground.

So now I decided to build the hen house for them. Opps… went to big again! 12’Lx8’Wx8’H , oh well, more room for growth. I almost have it done now, Just need to make a roost for them, and rake the place out. I have a couple of plans for a future coop (what am I thinking!) that will be much better. it can be expanded and adjusted to my (your) needs.
Well, I did it again. Now I have 12 Ameraucana's. So, now I HAVE to move the first batch outside.
Well now, I've got everybody settled in. Buff's are in the big coop, deciding on who is the new boss. The Ameraucana's are doing the same in thier new box. Talk about Pecking
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