soon to be new chicken caretaker


7 Years
Oct 10, 2012
Milton, PA
Greetings All,

I am buying a house in the mid-west and will have plenty of room for a few chickens and maybe some ducks, but I don't know much about either... I'm hoping to learn at least enough so that I can provide my birds a happy healthy life and I figure this is the place to find the info I'll need.

I close on the property at the end of October and I'm planning to buy chicks and ducklings in the spring. That should give me all winter to turn the two horse stalls in the barn into separate chicken and duck coops; I figure that should be enough room for 4 of each type of bird to move about on rainy/snowy games when they can't/won't go out to the yard/run.

I'll be asking many specific questions else where, but please bear with my lack of knowledge...

Hello and welcome to BYC
The Learning Center here is an excellent place to start and when you move around the forum you'll see "sticky threads" in blue on top in each section with more in depth discussions and short cuts to important/helpful info on the different aspects of chicken hatching, raising and keeping. And if you go to the Ducks section you'll find some very nice, helpful people who'll answer all your duck related questions. You are of course welcome to ask any questions you may have, we're here to help. Enjoy the site and we'll see you around!
Thanks for the warm welcome!!!

I'm currently in NY, north of NYC, but I'm buying a house in central PA in a few weeks.

I figure I'll get some chickens and ducks in the spring, that should give me a chance to tune up coops during the cold months...


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