Soon to be new chicken momma


Jan 3, 2016
Jaffrey, NH
Good evening all. I have followed the Facebook page for a few months now and am currently in the process of having a coop built by a builder friend of mine to start my flock early spring !!
Welcome to BYC, and good luck in establishing your flock in the spring. Study the forums, question away, and plan - you will do fine.

If you haven't already done so, check out the Learning Center. There are a lot of articles there covering all sorts of topics:

What breeds of chickens are you planning on getting in the spring? It's fun to look at all of them and choose your flock. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Thanks for joining us!
And welcome to byc - great to have join us. Be sure to build a coop that will allow you to to expand your flock cos I guarantee you'll want more by the summer! :)

All the best
We have a golden buff a Rhode Island red a barred Plymouth rock a silver laced Wyandotte a speckled Sussex a easter egger a new hampshire red 2 white crested black polish a buff chantecler a black copper marans a blue laced Wyandotte and a buff brahma that are getting shipped 5/2:love

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