SooOo... my chickens are out on the grass lawn :) poop droppings are everywhereee, what do i do with


6 Years
Jun 3, 2013
Los Angeles
LOL my backyard is starting to smell like a feed store =D Poos everywhere. What do you guys do with them? Am i supposed to scoop them up lol
Ewh. Scooping up chicken poop? That really won't do. Just an idea, how about you only let them out an hour or so, under supervision, and be sure that they stay in one part of the yard.

Or, you can hose down the yard with high pressure water systems.
Ewh. Scooping up chicken poop? That really won't do. Just an idea, how about you only let them out an hour or so, under supervision, and be sure that they stay in one part of the yard.

Or, you can hose down the yard with high pressure water systems.
hahah hosing them down sounds good, but where would the poo goo lol basically the same area ='(

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