Sore on chickens Belly


6 Years
Mar 18, 2013
Coffeyville, Ks

Can anyone tell me what this is. It is soft, doesn't seem to be causing her pain. 18 month old Australorp. The blood just seems to be a scratch. She is laying and acting fine.
It could be a breast blister that has abscessed, or possibly a tumor. Is it over her breast bone where she would lie down on it? Does she lie down a lot or spend a lot of time on the roost? It looks awfully big, but if it is an abscess , it needs to be lanced and drained. Is a vet a possibility? If it is a breast blister, they can be infected with staph or strep, and penicillin may be needed. If you can't take her to a vet, I would probably lance it, and see what comes out. Pus can turn yellow and solid in chicken wounds after time.
After looking at your picture again, I see that I was looking at the wrong end. It looks to be on her lower abdomen closer to the vent that I thought before. It very well may be some type of tumor, fluid-filled cyst, or hernia.
Yes! That's what my girl's bum looks like as well!

I am thinking that 'Alaskan''s input on it potentially being a hernia is correct. The rest of my flock is fine and show no similar signs (ruling out a virus).

My hen is 4 years old and has had this bum bump for at least two or three years, it just seems to be getting a bit larger over time. She seems to really enjoy the warm water salt soaks, but today after her soak I attempted to push her hernia back in and that she did not appreciate. I have tried PrepH after her bath and she doesn't seem to mind that (unless she needs to lay an eggs, then she seriously objects), but haven't tried any other ointments or oils.

If you do any thing to your hen's potential hernia, I'd love to hear about it- whether it works or not! I'm so glad Lady and I aren't alone with this problem (but sorry you have to experience this too...)!

How do you know it wasn't infected and that's what she died of? Since we aren't sure what it is, but her behavior has remained consistent (she's molting now, so no egg laying...), I've been contemplating an anti-biotic treatment just in case (over the counter, not from a vet). Any suggestions?

How do you know it wasn't infected and that's what she died of? Since we aren't sure what it is, but her behavior has remained consistent (she's molting now, so no egg laying...), I've been contemplating an anti-biotic treatment just in case (over the counter, not from a vet). Any suggestions?

Assuming you mean me, I'm sure because she'd had that for quite some time, years in fact, plus I found no active infection in there; it did look like one of those odd cysts that collects body tissue that even humans can get. I have another hen with a similar one in the beginning stages. My hen was going on 6 years old so I expect it was just the end of her life. She may have had reproductive cancer, but because of her advanced age, I wasn't too worried about finding out.

You can use plain triple antibiotic ointment on the open part (never use any with pain killer stuff with "caine" on the end, like benzocaine, which can be fatal).
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Thanks SpeckledHen!

So, really, if it is a hernia or a cyst, the treatment (or lack there of) is the same. Just sit it out.

I appreciate your input!

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