Sour crop? Mushrooms?


Apr 20, 2020
Chiloquin oregon
Got home from the town run today and let my 8 week olds out. In the evening I noticed the last bird returning to the coop. Kind of stumbling, tail feathers down, bobble head bobbling around. The other day they all got into a bunch of mushrooms growing in the woods and two of them took a very concerning three hour nap afterward. Similar to this but this one is more responsive. I feel a small goey mass in the crop and a slightly harder lump above that. When I massage the crop she closes her eyes and leans the head down but nothing has come out yet. I read give olive oil to help loosen everything up but what if it's the mushrooms again and there's some sort of adverse effect. Maybe just water and try to drain the crop if it doesn't empty naturally? I'm not too concerned yet.
Got home from the town run today and let my 8 week olds out. In the evening I noticed the last bird returning to the coop. Kind of stumbling, tail feathers down, bobble head bobbling around. The other day they all got into a bunch of mushrooms growing in the woods and two of them took a very concerning three hour nap afterward. Similar to this but this one is more responsive. I feel a small goey mass in the crop and a slightly harder lump above that. When I massage the crop she closes her eyes and leans the head down but nothing has come out yet. I read give olive oil to help loosen everything up but what if it's the mushrooms again and there's some sort of adverse effect. Maybe just water and try to drain the crop if it doesn't empty naturally? I'm not too concerned yet.

Your bird is in critical condition, she needs to be placed inside the house in a warm, quiet stressful free environment with feed and water provided. Could you give us some more info, what are feeding, how does her breath smell, how does her poop look, is she eating/drinking, could you post a picture or video of her?

Don't try to give her olive oil, and don't try to drain her crop.

Chickens generally know what's safe and what's not, usually the only exception is birds that are kept in unsanitary close quarters and eat due to boredom.
8 week olds
stumbling, tail feathers down, bobble head bobbling around.
I feel a small goey mass in the crop and a slightly harder lump above that. When I massage the crop she closes her eyes and leans the head down but nothing has come out yet. I read give olive oil to help loosen everything up
Maybe just water and try to drain the crop if it doesn't empty naturally?
I agree, I would not try to drain or vomit her crop.
If you do massage, then massage downward.
Liquid oil (like olive oil) can be aspirated easily since it had to be syringed. If you feel she may benefit from oil, use Coconut. I put it in the fridge or freezer to harden it, then break into small chunks. My birds will eat chunks of coconut oil like candy even if they aren't feeling well. Not sure if your girl will, but give her a taste.

Is she pooping? Photos of that would be good. I agree with bringing her in and seeing that she's drinking. If there's a crop issue, then I don't worry about food - no need to add food to a crop that is not emptying well, but always provide water.

Video would be great or if not photos please. Video needs to be uploaded to a platform like youtube, provide us a link.

Also, just asking - do you provide grit (crushed granite) for your birds?
I agree, I would not try to drain or vomit her crop.
If you do massage, then massage downward.
Liquid oil (like olive oil) can be aspirated easily since it had to be syringed. If you feel she may benefit from oil, use Coconut. I put it in the fridge or freezer to harden it, then break into small chunks. My birds will eat chunks of coconut oil like candy even if they aren't feeling well. Not sure if your girl will, but give her a taste.

Is she pooping? Photos of that would be good. I agree with bringing her in and seeing that she's drinking. If there's a crop issue, then I don't worry about food - no need to add food to a crop that is not emptying well, but always provide water.

Video would be great or if not photos please. Video needs to be uploaded to a platform like youtube, provide us a link.

Also, just asking - do you provide grit (crushed granite) for your birds?

After isolation in the cabin all her poops seemed normal. The last early morning poop was runny dark brown. She is drinking water. Not eating much. Her tail feathers are still down, however her energy levels are back up and bobble head has gone away. I do not provide grit, they free roam the property daily and there is rock and pumice everywhere. I'll pick up a bucket of gravel next time I go to the lake. There are mushrooms, caterpillars and all kinds of everything in the woods around here. Maybe one day I'll build a fence. i like the coconut oil chunks idea, I'll pick up a thingy of that on the next town run. I have heard of feeding yogurt but I don't have refrigeration. Would apple cider vinegar be fine? Does fermenting the feed help with digestion? I'll do more research and keep her isolated for another day.
Check her crop first thing in the morning, it should be empty.
If not, then let us know and try to get some photos of her poop and of her too.

Most poultry feeds have probiotics, so the yogurt wouldn't really be necessary unless she has sour crop. Some do use ACV and swear by it, I've never really used it. A lot of folks ferment feed as well, that's something I've never done either so I can't really say if it helps with digestion or not.
I mixed the coconut oil in with crumble, let it soak in good and she ate it up.
Otherwise she just flicked most of it off her beak.
The CO was for impacted crop, then she needed sour crop treatment.
Miconazole cream was given, mixed the same as the CO, for 6 days to clear it up.
Tho this mushroom event is probably more about toxicity than a crop ailment.
Tho this mushroom event is probably more about toxicity than a crop ailment.
Got busy with work so late update. Chicken has returned to normal. I figure it was another mushroom exposure. They are these flat light brown mushrooms with white spots that grow in the pine duff, I'll try to get a picture of the mushroom. Hopefully they just learn not to eat them.

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