Sour Crop?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 14, 2012
My Specked Sussex hen has what I think is sour crop. She has had if for some time now and I am running out of things to do for her. I separated her from the rest of the flock for 5 days feeding her yogurt, eggs, olive oil, and water. I did make her throw up a few times. Her crop emptied at night during that time so I figured she would be fine out with the flock.

Nope. Her crop does not empty out at night and it is huge as ever. It is squishy and too big for me to put my whole hand around it.

Any ideas on what to do? I feel so bad but anything I try to do only helps temporarily. She isn't laying and she has violent head movements.

Can you feel any sort of hard spot or impaction? There are two different causes for sour crop. One is a bacterial imbalance, kind of like a yeast infection. The other is rotting food in the crop as a result of an impaction that then creates a bacterial imbalance. Is she currently eating anything? Pooping?
I don't think there is a hard spot, but I'm not sure. Her crop emptied completely two or three nights ago and was pretty normal for a day and then it got huge again. I know she is eating and I saw poop maybe 2 days ago but I am not sure.
I would isolate her so that you can control and monitor exactly what she is eating and how much and what her poop looks like and observe her behavior. I would not induce vomiting unless you absolutely have to because it can be dangerous.
Okay, I isolated her again tonight and I am only giving her water with olive oil in it for the next 24 hours. Any suggestions on the next steps to do?
Observe and try to figure out exactly what is wrong. Olive oil will only help if there is a blockage. I would search the threads for sour crop. I believe there is one about using monistat if you do not think there is a blockage.

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