Southern CA Swap meet-up / Funday 9/24/11

You betcha! Its gonna be a do-it-yer-selfer one but I am learning how to attach it and pad the stump etc..etc...


awesome... let me know how it turns out...
Wheres Bill???? Benny is gabbing away in the cage just taking it all in tonight.....I think I am keeping him up too late here......
I am letting him just take it all in and tomorrow will interact him him. He does know his name when I call him....
and he is checking out Missy too....hee hee
today was so much FUUUNNNNN..... great meeet folks and seeing faces....omg you all are reall people HAHA.

thank you gumbii for eggs and the dude with seabright gave me an egg too LOL so all will go in the incubator tomorrow LOL.

chef glen thanks for taking the silky mutt trio im sure you will enjoy them i find them comical and funny to watch.

i didnt get the name of the young lady who took the blue wheaton OEGB but i hope your little 4her enjoys they....they are a gorgeous pair.

as for serama gabby is home i think he is tired LOL.

alvin thank you for the cochin hens they are soft and i loves em..... my mom now thinks serama come rumpless...HAHA.

thanks again everyone it was a blast....tiger lilly and czech next birdy ride we are hitting up your houses LOL have lots af food LMAO.

well im exhausted,,,night everyone
That taste is FINALLY out of our mouths! It took 8 hours and finally, some sushi and a ton of ginger. Poor City Boy kept having it repeat on him like PTSD. No bueno, but now I can say I did try it and does not smell like old socks and the taste, well, lets just say that I think my dogs would have rolled on it
Ohhh the Durian!
at first thought... it looked like an alien pod to me but I was brave.... I thought it sorta had a smell like really strong cilantro or ??? but after tasting it, spitting it out and wiping my tongue... it smelled like a gas station bathroom! lololol Thank goodness i didn't put that whole huge wad of it in my mouth!! Special thanks Gumbii for giving me an experience I'll never forget for the rest of my life!

I had a blast seeing everyone again and meeting everyone I hadn't met in person yet. It was really fun, thanks everybody for the hatching eggs and icky Durian, yummy jackfruit, wonderful goat milk and cheese, always delicious coffee beans, the best iced coffee, too cool chicken earrings, and all the fun of our perfect crowd.
Thanks Joey I always have fun learning from you and just BS-ing with you and thank you Kate for helping out my daughter with her new buddy, she carried him around all day and I believe he even enjoyed it once settled. He did fine settling at home too, I think he was as exhausted as I am. He went right to sleep after a little pigging out and a drink.

You all were awesome! I can't wait to do it all again! Hope you all enjoy the jams/jellies too.

Lets get a San Diego meetup set!!!!
yeah for dusty.... she should start laying ANY time....kinda good you got her before she layed now she will be more comfy when she starts.....let me know how she does with them IM SUPER CURIOUS.

czech im just happy i didnt put that fruit in my mouth i would of hurled....tigerlilly pregnant and all tried it....yeah im a sissy....but a sissy who dont like to puke....i still think everyone who tried the durian will have diahrrea tomorrow LOL... we need to take a pole LOL
there's only a little left in my fridge... LOL... i can't stop eating it... i think i'm gonna have to go look for one at the market in a couple of weeks... that's great...

wait... they had goats milk and cheese...??? man, why don't i look in the boxes and stuff... i just stare at the chickens...

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