Southern Indiana Holla Back

Magic Morning! If I knew that I would've had you get me some smiley face cookies and stop by my house! Yum. I have to get some tomorrow. That sounds so good.
Hi. Well we are close. I have New Hampshire reds, Americanas, red sex links, Polish frizzle mixes, and mixed banties. I also have 47 silkie and sizzle eggs in the bator. Are you the Matt from poultryman supply.
newpeepmama - I actually live between Seymour and B'town. Do you go to any of the sporting events at the schools?

cknbrdr - I have a few of several breeds: NH Reds, RIRs, Barred Rocks, Black Australorps, White and Buff Orps, and just got two California Whites.
no..i never go to school events--my boys arent in school yet...i live right past the elementary school..i love it in this little town

To answer your question, I am Matt from Poultryman's Supply and Shady Lane Poultry Farm - recently relocated to Columbus.


Where are your White Orpingtons, New Hampshires and Barred Rocks from?


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