Sparring Pullets


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 11, 2013
I have never raised laying hens before, only meat birds, so this is a new experience for me. Is it normal for the pullets to spar and posture with each other? I know that they have to establish a pecking order. I also know that some of the "girls" are going to be roos. Does this factor into it also? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Young pullets will spar and 'play' fight as much as young cockerels. Their behavior will not generally escalate unlike many cockerels when they become testosterone poisoned.
I've seen young pullets spar some, and young roos to be face off as well. It usually doesn't last too long. I have even seen adult hens spar on occasion but of course not as intense as two roosters.
I have two pens of young chickens right now--a meat pen with some heritage roos and some straight run meaties, and a pullet pen. This morning, there were chicken fights all over the yard. I think the sparring is cute. It's just chicken playing, the same as puppies chase and wrestle and kittens play-fight.

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