Special Needs Rooster—- need some help


10 Years
Aug 28, 2013

So I have a satin cockerel, he’s like 3 months old now.
He is a crossbeak but that’s not whats making him special.
He’s not an aggressive rooster at all… but I seem to have a chicken that doesn’t like other chickens! Ever since I got him he seemed to have a neurological issue, I think he didn’t have a good hatch.
He tolerates the others I raised him with but in his pen he crows and acts pathetic, pacing, going nuts. We got so sick of his constant crowing that we finally broke down and started bringing him inside.
Inside he’ll be very quiet, explore, snuggle, and nap on us.

I tried rehoming him multiple times as a chick because of his bad genetics but no one would take him and I refuse to cull. So far he’s turning into a house chicken, and I’m not sure I want that! I’m not home enough to care for this needy boy.

What the heck do I do :hit

Is he happy alone outside with occasional visits from you? I'm sure some people are all in favor of a house chicken but I dont think its natural regardless of the chicken's temperament. He needs to be outside getting sunshine and fresh air and bugs and grit and all the stuff chickens need. Maybe he would be happy in his own coop and run nearer the house? I have had a couple special needs chickens though never a cross beak. Right now I have a chicken with messed up feet but I used to have a blind chicken and I found that once you find the right setup things turn out OK. For now, for me, that means having two flocks and two coops. Its extra work but finding these kinds of chickens a home where someone cares about them the way you do is hard too.
Is he happy alone outside with occasional visits from you? I'm sure some people are all in favor of a house chicken but I dont think its natural regardless of the chicken's temperament. He needs to be outside getting sunshine and fresh air and bugs and grit and all the stuff chickens need. Maybe he would be happy in his own coop and run nearer the house? I have had a couple special needs chickens though never a cross beak. Right now I have a chicken with messed up feet but I used to have a blind chicken and I found that once you find the right setup things turn out OK. For now, for me, that means having two flocks and two coops. Its extra work but finding these kinds of chickens a home where someone cares about them the way you do is hard too.

I tried to put them in a small coop together since spring and it was going very well, and then summer hit and the gnats all came out. We lost an adult hen and a pullet to how bad the swarms are, so right now all my young birds are in the garage until our large coop is finished. T,:
We’ve tried a lot of stuff but for now the chicks won’t be going back outside permanently until we can magically clear up these dumb bugs!
I put them in a tractor run for a few hours when I have time and that’s about it.
He’s been crowing since 6 am to come inside now 😅

Having two coops and two flocks would be something I’d definitely do- but I live with my parents and they refuse. So. (,:

Do you think an animal sanctuary somewhere would take him?
You could call around but do you think he would be happy in a sanctuary?

I’m not sure! I think if they had a lot of people visiting it would be a good situation? I see the most popular one in my area does a lot of tours and people treat it like an education for farm animals/petting zoo.
I was also thinking of contacting the local shelter and seeing if they know anyone that could meet his needs? I really can’t.

I rescue injured and ill Chicks from our local farm stores as a last hope situation. They’re marked defective and go to me, but all my fixed chicks have found homes! I feel so bad for this roo!
You could call around but do you think he would be happy in a sanctuary?

ACK screw dad if I have to make 2 coops I guess I will. I know I have at least 2 silkie roosters coming in- this sucks D,x

Whatever I’ll figure it out…

Maybe there’s a way to correct and change his behavior???
So if it comes down to it would he be allowed to be a house chicken?
Just so you know roosters a ton easier to keep that way than hens, they don't require the constant socialization that hens do within their pecking order.

Once I get the basement finished up I think my mom is more than happy to make him into a house rooster!!
I think I have 1 or 2 Silkies looking like they’re gonna be Roos now too so- idk if they’d get along 😂

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