Spelling and Grammar --- A Rant

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Free Ranging
12 Years
Apr 20, 2011
Paradise, MI
I received an e-mail from a friend of a friend asking for some help. It read in part, “Anita says I should ask you sence you have chickens maybe you can tell me what bread of chicken I have. It gots a read beerd and waddles and cone. There fethers are brown with another color on the tale.” (sic)

Since recieving this missive, I've noticed that everywhere I look I'm seeing poor grammar and misuse of words. Doesn't anyone know the difference between your and you're? There, their and they're? Then and than?

The best was an e-mail from the university Communications Director trying to drum up support for the football team, "join us for a rally in the Student Center to cheer the Xxxx's on there road to try and win the championship". Shouldn't that be their road to try to win the championship? (Note; I'm not naming my college out of shear embarrasment.)

Typos are understandable but this is just sad.
I've wanted to post a similar rant many times! I'm not saying I'm perfect, but some common sense and an ability to spell and form sentences would be nice!
Crap, did I just create a run-on sentence...?
As an ex-transcriptionist ....yes... it drives me crazy as well. Some of it is just lack of time to proof read or hitting the send button before thinking! I catch myself doing this more often as I get older and busier. uhem...can't tell you how many times I've edited my posts because of typos!

However, that email is a piece of work.

Remember, our brains can comprehend words when gvn engh letrs
I'm just thankful to be able to process and understand the email!!
These rarely end well, so let's just don't get started, please. On a message board, if one can understand what another member is trying to say, best to just overlook typos, misspellings and bad grammar. We all get along better that way, it seems. And I say this as the Spelling Bee Champion of my elementary school.
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