Spiders and mosquitoes in run/coop come nightfall

Apr 5, 2022
I’m using First Saturday Lime as a proactive treatment for pests however at night I’m seeing a bunch of mosquitoes in/near the run and spiders galore in the coop. I’m not sure they bother our girls but I’m getting eaten up when I go out to check on them. Any ideas to rid their area of these two pests? TIA! Note: not interested in DE
Mosquitoes breed in standing water, so dumping out any water on a regular basis will help to keep them down. They can carry and transmit fowl pox, so it's important to try to keep mosquitoes at bay. You can also spray.

The spiders are there for the mosquitoes probably, and any flies. Chickens will eat them if they can get them. They are probably helpful if they aren't poisonous ones like black widow or brown recluse spiders.
I just came out from my coop, after crushing 9, blood-fattened mosquitos. Freaking gross; I can't believe there were that many!

We dump all standing water in our yard, except for a pond and an aquaponics basin. Those both have mosquito fish to chomp down the larva.

It would seem my neighbors are not as careful, because they're clearly able to breed somewhere!

I'm happy about the spiders, but not so much about the mosquitos.

I've read you can keep a fan blowing where they roost, but mine roost on separate spots and I'm not sure I can do that. Perhaps if I had three fans I could pull it off. Maybe it'll work for you though!
I just came out from my coop, after crushing 9, blood-fattened mosquitos. Freaking gross; I can't believe there were that many!

We dump all standing water in our yard, except for a pond and an aquaponics basin. Those both have mosquito fish to chomp down the larva.

It would seem my neighbors are not as careful, because they're clearly able to breed somewhere!

I'm happy about the spiders, but not so much about the mosquitos.

I've read you can keep a fan blowing where they roost, but mine roost on separate spots and I'm not sure I can do that. Perhaps if I had three fans I could pull it off. Maybe it'll work for you though!
Good to know. We have no standing water but the neighbor on one side has two ponds and the other neighbor has a marshy spot in their field.

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