Splayed leg and curled toes PLEASE help I need advice ASAP


8 Years
May 17, 2011
I had a chick hatch today with curled toes AND a splayed leg.. I made the chick shoes and the leg splint but she is miserable and keeps falling over. I then placed her legs and feet in the correct position and taped her feet (still in shoes and splints) to a paper plate which puts her it a sitting position. She is under the Brinsea and warm and I have a few days before I have to worry about her Needing to eat ( I will offer food and water which I will suppliment with sav-a-chick). Here is where I need your advice and opinions......
Just splinted and in shoes she falls over and can not right herself. I am hoping that by keeping her leg flexed and feet flat in a sitting position her leg and toes will heal in the correct position. I will remove her from the plate tomorrow and re-evaluate her progress. How long have you in your experience had to leave the shoes and splint on? I read the info on Poultry Podiatry but it is very vague. Please give me you personal experience I am determined to save her.

Does anyone really know what causes this?

Thanks -Tamara
I had a chick like this, a little barred rock. She came to me with the same curled toes and splayed legs. Her hocks were already bright red from scooting on them and she couldn't get around enough to even try to eat or drink. In the time it took me to research the issue, she began to get lethargic and I thought I was going to lose her. Like you, I ended up using shoes and left them on for about three or four days, don't remember exactly how long. I changed them once during that time to evaluate and reposition them since I was so nervous when applying them, I wasn't happy with it. She remained smaller than her sisters for weeks but started eating and walking fine. She is now 10 weeks old and you can hardly tell her from the others if it weren't for her toes being ever so slightly curled still. I probably could have left them in a day or two longer, I think, but she gets around fine and runs and roosts with the rest. I'm still learning.
Thanks for your reply. I am very encouraged by your great results. I'll keep you posted. My fingers are crossed...

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