Spoiled Chickens!


15 Years
Jun 6, 2009
St Pauls, NC
Ok! I think i have finally spoiled my chickens!! We have two rabbits now so we got them a bag of carrots.. Well, I decided to take a few carrots and shred them and then my son and I went outside with the scissors and he helped me clip a bunch of greens from the yard.. (even through the worst of winter we still had dandelion greens all over the place).. I mixed it up really well and put the dish on the floor of the coop.. I thought it was really strange that ALL NINE of them were already roosting at 3:30 in the afternoon.. So, I put it down and walked out.. Well, around 5 I went back out there and they had picked a few of the greens off the top but never touched the rest.. So, I picked it up and put it up to them.. Carrots shreds went flying EVERYWHERE, to include in my hair as they devoured it!! So, I figure, now that they have a taste of it.... I put it back on the floor of the coop and one of my girls, Sweetie (one who was sick for so long) starts yelling at me!!! No one moved though!! So, I picked it back up and held the stupid dish, moving it around so everyone got some until there was only a few shreds left!!! My chickens are SPOILED!! But, out of seven girls, i got 6 eggs today (even if one was on the droppings board) so i guess they deserved it!

You call that spoiled? Today my chickens had lasagna , chicken noodle soup and breadsticks. All leftovers of course.
I didn't say they were spoiled because of what they ate.. They are spoiled because I catered to them since they wouldn't get off the roost bars that I held it up to them and let them eat while they were up there.. LOL

Spoiled... indeed: For breakfast mine had large bowl of warm oatmeal. Then for lunch I took them a box of greens (creasy and lettuce mixes) that I get from a local grocer who has to toss expired YET still great by chicken standards veggies! Yes... mine are ROTTEN!
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Well, mine NORMALLY eat off the ground too but i guess they figured since they gave me 1/2 dozen eggs, they deserved to be pampered a bit! I hope they don't expect that everyday!
I can just picture it.. Hen up on roost with two pullets on either side fanning her with a feather and me, feeding her grapes and cherries (pitted of course) !


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