Sportsmen Incubator Trouble: Display says Too hot


5 Years
Sep 18, 2014
We just got our cabinet 1502 incubator set up and the red light, buzzer, and display says incubator temp too hot. I have tried unplugging and opening more vents, pulling the incubator farther from wall, turning down the temp in the room... everything. Best part is the GQF customer service. I have called over 30 times and can get NO answer from the technical service department. Somebody help!
I just got a Sportsman about 6 weeks ago. I am having phenomenal luck with it! I went from less than 10% hatching rate to 90% hatching rate on my guineas next I am going to try pea eggs. I ordered a special tray for the peas eggs. You lay the eggs on their side!

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