Spots on brown egg shells?


10 Years
Aug 12, 2009
I have 3 red sex link hens.I noticed before 1 egg collected often had reddish/brown spots on it.Yesterday I noticed 2.Just wondering if there is some sort of health issue going on with diet that I need to fix.All 3 had laid eggs all winter.One of the hens does not lay everyday,and one of the eggs is smaller than the others.

Are the spots a sign of a problem?
I have a GC Maran that will sometimes have lighter brown spots on her very dark brown JUMBO eggs.
I have a Barred Rock that always has white spots on her eggs.

I can change their diet and it won't make a difference. It's just what they do.
As Mahonri pointed out, it's just what they do.

Sometimes my girls lay eggs that way (I have four Golden Comets that do it) and sometimes they don't. There's nothing to worry about there. It's completely normal.
Thanks for the input.Just wanted to ask and make sure our girls are OK since I could find no mention of it online.
My hen laid ten eggs and was sitting on them for twenty two days and where she laid them was a bad spot. It rained really hard one night and they were floating in cold rain water for ten minutes or so until my husband and I ran out to get them. We brought them inside placed them in a box with shavings and we set up a heating lamp. But three of the eggs are starting to get tiny little brown spots on them. And we don't have an incubator. We are just praying that the heating lamp is enough. We turn them every 3 to 4 hours. But we don't know what else to do. Do you guys think they will be okay.? Or will they hatch?
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My hen laid ten eggs and was sitting on them for twenty two days and where she laid them was a bad spot. It rained really hard one night and they were floating in cold rain water for ten minutes or so until my husband and I ran out to get them. We brought them inside placed them in a box with shavings and we set up a heating lamp. But three of the eggs are starting to get tiny little brown spots on them. And we don't have an incubator. We are just praying that the heating lamp is enough. We turn them every 3 to 4 hours. But we don't know what else to do. Do you guys think they will be okay.? Or will they hatch?
This is a very old thread and your question would be better answered if you post a new thread in the Incubating and Hatching forum.

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