Spotted an opossum, how much of a threat?

Why not spend the money your going to give to someone to trap it and send in on beefing up your fencing. If someone traps this one another will eventually come along and take its place. There are lot of opossums and raccoons even in the cities. I live where there are lots of both. I used heavy fencing and an apron around the outside and now I don't worried about them being around.
What kind of heavy fencing do you use? I have chicken wire and a skirt of hard ware wire around it. Reading these post make me think something might climb past the hard ware wire and chew through the chicken wire? I haven't had anything do this yet but I want my chickens safe. Should I replace it?
Yes the whole state or at least SoCal is backwards. I think really it may be due to budget cuts too that the animal control people won't bother coming out any longer. I am in L.A. county. I had a dying stray cat in my yard and they would not come out unless I trapped it and had it secured in a box for them. So my daughter and I scooped it up with a shovel and placed it in a box. I remember we had an opossum in our garage about 15 years ago and they quickly came out and trapped it and took it away. No longer. No money or desire to offer these services any longer. Things are different in cities too so I guess not as easy to take care of things like you could in the country where you could shoot things and dispose of yourself. And I agree I think we will spend the money on putting the hardware cloth around the enclosure and solid siding around the bottom. Great idea really thanks.
Possums, in my opinion, are lazier predators. In a choice between the cat food left out on someone's porch or a chicken, they will take the cat food. So I don't consider them as much of a threat as say, raccoons, who will just happily go straight to your chickens and eat what they want and kill the rest for the fun of it.

Oh, and raccoons WILL be a threat to you as well, while you're at the hardware store grabbing the hardwire cloth, grab some locks for your coop and run doors as well. Coons can work latches.
I have not ever seen a raccoon here but that doesn't mean they aren't around. That is good to know about the locks plus with my four yr. old that is probably a good idea as well. Thanks!!
No need to replace your fencing. Add on. Chicken wire is nice for keeping chickens in. Welded wire can go right over the top of your chicken wire.The 2 inch by 4 inch will actually look better and the chicken wire will be less noticeable if you preflatten the rolled wire. Staples hammer and some wire cutters. Do one wall at a time over the next few weekends. Fort Knox was not built in a day. You have really nice framing already and upgrading your fence with the welded wire should be a pleasant task knowing you dodged a bullet by seeing the critter first.
Lose a chicken to a predator and the trapping may seem more practical. Put a board ramp up to your empty trash can put in a tuna can leave the lid off and call your City Hall about the horrible big toothed beast in your garbage can the next time you see it. Dont say it hisses, say it growls. Even they may rethink some ordinances. It becomes a public safety issue when a trapped wild animal may hurt a voting citizen.

But, I'm in the city too and have opossums around yet they never have bothered the chickens. Probably due the to laziness someone referred to. I'm thinking there's enough pet food and stuff around here to keep them happy. I just hope they stay happy!
Blue EE you are so right. I think I was panicking. The first quote to come out and look at my issue was $195. Holy cow I can buy a lot of wire and reinforcements for that much money. That is not trapping mind you. Extra for that. And galanie I am hoping you are right. Our neighbor feeds her cat on the front porch to that attracts them and then it likes my oranges. We are removing the two trees along the wall so hopefully it won't come back after we do. I noticed it won't try to eat the oranges in our yard probably because of the dogs. Thanks you guys you have made me feel so much better about the situation.
I usesd 1/2" hardware cloth to secure my hens. I suggest you do the same. As someone said chicken wire keeps your chickens in not the predators out.
Like someone mentioned before, get a live trap off amazon. Should have it caught within a day or two. The easiest way to dispatch critters in a live trap is to fill up a garbage can with water and put the live trap with the animal in it. Within minutes it will be over and then you can put the critter in a garbage bag and get rid of it. My grandma has waged war with the squirrels getting into her attic and once I showed her this she got the upper hand and no longer has any problems.

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