Spotted egg?


8 Years
Dec 25, 2011
Virginia (Zone 7)
Hello! I went out in the coop today and discovered that, instead of the 2 eggs I've been getting lately, there were three. One looked a bit different - light pink with dark rusty reddish brown spots. I have Marans, white leghorns, Rhode Island Reds, a New Hampshire Red, a Buff Orpington and a Dominique. Any idea who might have laid this egg? Since it clearly came from a breed not known for producing spotted eggs, are they likely to continue, or was this a one-time thing?


Sometimes my Orp's when first starting to lay have eggs with a pinkish color and spotted very simialar to yours. As time goes on its more of an even color

makes life interesting in the egg carton

Lovely eggs. I have a black australorp hen who has been laying lightly spotted eggs for a year now. Not sure if they will continue to lay them that way or not....I think some of my hens fluctuate between having and not having spots on their eggs. It is a nice looking eggs though. Personally, the spotted ones are my favorite.
I've heard the spots are extra calcium build up. Don't know if it's true or not. I had a maran to lay eggs with spots. That egg is too light to be a maran so it must be one of your other girls. Good luck finding out.
I get eggs with spots (speckles) like that sometimes, and we figure they come from our EE (after we realized she's not really an Ameracauna, and won't give us blue eggs).
My buff orpington (Butter) always laid the most beautiful speckled eggs...they had darker and more numerous speckles when I really spoiled them with extra mealworms.

Extra mealies also resulted in Waffle (EE) laying slightly more vibrant blue eggs with white speckles.
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