Spraddle Leg!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 2, 2012
One of my 2-day old chicks has spraddle leg. I wrapped it up with a Bandaid, per instructions that I found on here. But as soon as I set the chick down, he just flops down on his side and cries.

Should he figure this out eventually? Or did I do something wrong??
Try placing him inside a tea cup for a couple hour, in small intervals, for a couple days, make sure he is just outside of the heat so as not to get to cold or to warm. A tea cup that becomes smaller as it goes down works best. Also make sure the ban aid isn't to tight, the legs should sit squarely beneath the top of the wing joints. About the same width as the pad on the band aid. :fl fingers crossed for your little one

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