spradle leg!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 21, 2008
i think one of my chicks has spradle leg, she can sort of walk a bit but then falls and when she does walk its more like a hobble. she fell in the water while bending down to drink this morning. she really doesn't have a very good balance. what should i do?? because if i take her legs liek how your ment to cure spradle leg, wont that just make it worse and wont she fall over more?? please help!
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I wish I had words of wisdom but I am a new chick mom after about 25 years...I know that falling into the water is a dangerous thing for her. Hopefully one of the old hands will offer some suggestions
I just went up to the "search" button in the above blue banner and typed in "spradle leg", it came up with an entire page of info for you. If you do a search I am sure you will find some great advice right away for your little one. Keep us posted on how you and the chick do.
I had one like that with just the one leg out a little. What I did was treat it like you would for spraddle leg. Then I sat the chick inside a round plastic container that you put leftovers in. The chick could only sit upright and not move side to side at all. I left it in the container for 24 hours. Making sure to give it water every few hours. Then the next day I took a small shoe box and lined it with the rubber shelf liner and moved the chick to it and watched it. By the end of the day it was walking normal. You can try it and see if it helps you might have to do it longer then 24hrs if the chicks legs are really bad. Good Luck
thanks for your help. she can sort of walk and her legs are very slightly out of place so she's not that bad. the thing is though she is with a broody and other chicks so how will she stay warm when there up and walking around?? she's only 2 days where as the others are 3. she's only just started to pick at food and drink! i think she is the runt. i really dont want to seperate her from her mum, so will she be fine in with the others, or does she have to be seperate???
just checked on the chicks and the little runt one is running around!!!!!!!! i really dont know whats up with it! could it just be getting tired quickly, or is it just because it was the last to hatch and it's younger than the others???
where do you have the broody mama and chicks at? Is it possible that the little one got cold? I know if mine get cold they seem to walk a little funny also. It is possible that he/she is just little and was the last to hatch. It takes them alittle while after hatching to get there footing. goodluck and keep us posted
the chick is now fine! she is eating drinking a pooping fine now. she still a bit clumsy but only when trying to jump like the others. she still sticks really close to her mum but today she has been out loads
thanks for all your help

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