sprained wing?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 10, 2009
Victoria, BC Canada
I have a sebright hen with a droopy wing and her foot is unstable, she was hanging out with some big boys and I think they hurt her. She is in the house and eating and drinking and chirping but I cant seem to keep a wrap on her, I have tried vet wrap and cotton guaze and she wiggles her way out. Any ideas how to wrap her so that she can heal? We looked her over carefully and doesnt look like anything is broken.
Beings that you mentioned the wing and foot, I am going to ask 'is she able to pull the wing back up'? There is a chance of injury and isolation was a good idea. I would also keep her quiet. I don't think a wrap is necessary right now and just monitor her movement to see exactly what's ailing. I asked about pulling her wing in, because there are diseases, toxins and such that can cause range paralysis. Just want to make sure she has some use of the limbs (leg and wing).
Thank you. She does seem to be able to pull the wing up and sometimes it looks like it is getting better, but then it will be down again. This has been going on for about 2 weeks now. She is inside the house in a cage on a towel so she cant slip.

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