Spring 2017 first timers post!

I have ten female Barred Rocks, hens (hence) the name, arriving hopefully early this coming week (shipping on Tuesday). Unfortunately only have room in my coop (built by previous occupants) for 4-5, so I'll have to extend it, give away or sale half. Thanks to many of the fine folks here, I'll be using the MHP method for brooding. Can't wait to get started.
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Hello! I am a newbie to chickens. I just bought 20 chicks at Monroe Co-op.

3 Cochin
3 Blue Wyandotte
3 Black Australorp
3 California Grey
4 Speckled Sussex
4 Buckeye

They are set up in two cardboard boxes I joined. One of the Australorps has a gimpy wing. All the rest are just fine. We are getting a new metal shed, 10 x 6 to turn into a coop. I have been reading here on BYC how to do it.

I love spending time reading about the different personalities and behaviors of these breeds and watching them.

Today I cut a chunk of sod for them and the absolutely loved it! I also gave them some bits of celery leaf that they enjoyed pecking instead of each other.

All these breeds are pretty friendly. The Cochin are like pets. My grandson named one of them Yoyo. We are collecting a list of names we like so when we are ready we can name them to match their personality.


Glad to see someone else getting buckeyes, that's what I'm getting as well as a couple Easter eggers
Gary, What's happening with your coop?  Haven't seen any updates.  Weather is holding me up a bit but we are getting pretty close to completion.  With my chicks hatching next monday we're getting pretty close.

It's almost done, just needs stain and trim and thanks to my man baby neighbor I need to get a permit from the county. I will post some pics soon, it's nice:)

Quote: That seems pretty petty, IMO. Since all of my coop/run is free standing AND visually blocked by trees for casual viewing, we hope to avoid such a situation. On the other hand there are a couple of neighbors that allow their dogs to run free in the 'hood and have been on our property. We have cautioned one of them that we will be having chickens and, at times, will be out of their cages! We anticipate NEVER allowing the girls to wander without direct supervision and protection. Our 30# mini lap Lab should give vocal support to alert us to intruders but lacks the "junk yard dog" gene to attack.

That seems pretty petty, IMO. Since all of my coop/run is free standing AND visually blocked by trees for casual viewing, we hope to avoid such a situation. On the other hand there are a couple of neighbors that allow their dogs to run free in the 'hood and have been on our property. We have cautioned one of them that we will be having chickens and, at times, will be out of their cages! We anticipate NEVER allowing the girls to wander without direct supervision and protection. Our 30# mini lap Lab should give vocal support to alert us to intruders but lacks the "junk yard dog" gene to attack.
It is pretty petty, the neighbor is a entitled spoiled man baby who is obsessed with harassing my family. Ugh Gary

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