Ok BYC peeps, its time, Lets get a gathering of BYC members going in Massachusetts.
Me and my husband are having a chicken stock and all is welcome!!!
Spring Chick Fling Chicken stock 2010
In Townsend Mass. All surrounding states are more than welcome.
This is a pot luck cookout event
Come join the fun,sell, trade, buy!!!
Please no alcohol.
Date = March 21 ,2010
Time= 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Set up time=8:00 am
Address= 181 Fitchburg rd, Townsend Ma, 01469 rt 13.
e-mail= [email protected] ( shay20 on byc)
Contacts for info- Shay20 & Gypsy & Chickn
[email protected] & Chickn= [email protected]
Free 6 month GFM Raffle no money for this raffle is totally free for all BYC members who attend this chicknstock!!!!
There will be an area for food and drinks, All is welcome to make or bring something.
We can make a list of things that will be brought,
So if you want to help out with pot luck, snacks, drinks, plates ,cups, food, and anything else you can think of to make this event a great event for all, then you can just let me know, and will add everything to a list, that will be provide on BYC and the NH Market fair group.
Times will follow as we get posted, so give up those ideas people we need them!
You can come set up your tables, come sell your chicks, adult birds, crafts, plants ect . You can list what you are selling as well.
We WILL also have an egg hunt for the kids, get them ready and give them a taste of Easter on the way!
And if any one knows any one who face paints that would be a bonus for the kiddys .
And any other ideas are welcome , just plan with us a head of time please.
Raffles , silent auctions.
We will hold some raffles as well, this will help to pay for the Porto potty that I have to provide.
So if you want to donate items for the raffles all is accepted
Raffles will be $1.00 per ticket or $5.00 an arm length.
Raffle items
Filled Easter buckets
Tropical plant
Chicken plates- donated by firedove
Home made jewelery- donated by aceschix
Rooster design pot holders & cloth
Black tailed white jap rooster
Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock Bantams, - donated by poultry run farms
egg carton labels- donated by Adozengirlz
25 pound med chick starter
25 pound bag cracked corn
Bracelet- donated by Erin
You want to auction something off then bring it along or them along , you win the winnings for your items being auctioned off.
It is a silent auction, meaning the items will be placed on tables or floor, with a piece of paper with that item on it, and people can write there name down and how much they bid, then the next puts there name down under that other name and outbids, and so on, until it is time to call off the winners.
Items being auctioned off
you can bring what ever, no need to notify ahead of time unless you want it posted here.
firedove- 1 brown and rust cockerel, 1 blue and red cockerel, and one very pretty grey and white pullet, all EEs.
shay20- maybe a frizzled cochin pullet ? cochin standard eggs, ameraucana eggs , Self Blue D'uccle pair 6 weeks old
Nancy (mysister-law)- Flower center-pieces
LuvMyBlr- Partridge wyandottes pairs
I am thinking on doing a HAM & Pork oh and a lot of other stuff just dont know yet.
C SPOTS FARM=- napkins, paper plates and cups.
Macaronie salad with apple
Candida= drinks
Tamelroy= box of Joe from dunkin
muffi=Chips and Muddy Buddies
Poyo's mama- Turkey Poults
sherrydeanne= Would like a blrw or........... anything
whitewolfvt=Salmon Faverolle bantam pullets or hens,
langshans, goldem laced cochin
snowhorse= Marans - Black Copper/ Wheaton/ Or Spalsh (Pullets or chicks)
And BLRW (also pullets or chicks) = Female muscovies
Firedove= WC Blue & WC black polish bantams
pringle- Polish female, quail ,
bantam pullets or hens,
brown coturnix quail
LuvMyBlr-SSH pullets or hens
SELL!!! - Dont forget your tables for set up.
aceschix = cochin mixes
black cochin roo over SLW, GLW,
Black & Buff Cochins, BCM. They all have feathered feet.
Also Hatching wellies, Marans & Cochins (eggs ordered from BYCers).
sherrydeanne= Brabanters,
Cuckoo Maran's
Gypsy= Possible Midget Whites
whitewolfvt= A pair of Barred Rock,
A trio of Cochin/ Silkie mixes,
A Cochin/ Silkie mix rooster,
A grey (or blue) Silkie rooster
2 White silkie roosters
snowhorse= 3 RIR hatched 2/5 for sale $3 each, or trade
Gypsylion=table of home made art and jewelry
Chickn= flemish giant babies white steel sandys maybe grays as well
firedove=some of my painted artwork etched glass,
2 ee cockerels
and a pair of EE.
Spotplus= Bantam Silver Laced Wyandotte chicks hatched 2/23,
Bantam Blue laced Red Wyandotte chicks hatched 2/23
Silver Sebright chicks hatched 2/23 , Golden Sebright Chicks hatched 2/23 ,
Bantam Birchen Cochin Chicks ,
Bantam Light Brahma chicks
mix of pure bred Bantam Duccle
, silkie,
Sultan and frizzle chicks,
Button Quail+,Button Quail Eggs
White China goose goslings (maybe),
tuxido button quails babys,
East Indie ducklings
shay20= White Silkie cockerel, 2 and half months old, a tiny crooked beak, Gold Sexlinks Pullet chicks
2 black astralorpe pullets ,
red cochin bantam chicks
Red frizzle cochin bantam chicks,
white frizzle cochin bantam chicks,
black frizzle cochin bantam chick
Gold laced polish chicks,
Silver laced polish chick, white crested black polish chicks,
Self Blue d'uccle cockerel,
Gold laced phoenix or BBred phoenix cockerel
Cotuix quail they are carry the cinnamon.
Tulips sinlge pots plants,
hyacinth single pots plants,
cucumber sinlge pots plants,
green zucchini sinlge pots plants,
watermelon sinlge pots plants
Poultry Run Farm-Trio White Old English, one year old-male has crocked toes, so far none of the offspring has had them and we've hatched probably 30 or more from this trio. Both girls have been shown and did OK, no DQ's. Also offspring from them, mixed ages, 2 bantam sultan pullets, both laying,Silver Quail D'Anvers Male, almost a year old.
2 Quail D'Anvers Roos, these are almost two years old, both have been shown Junior and have done pretty well.
Pair of Salmon Faverolles, they are about 4 months old. Plus have extra males
White D'Anvers male, he is out of self blues, 5 months old.
Young buff silkie male, about 4 months, pretty sure it's a male had him in the growing pen and the D'anvers male was picking on him and he sure does look male, right now he has nice clear color.
spoiled inside guinea, pretty sure female, she thinks she's a chicken lol about 5 months old.
LuvMyBlr-SL wyandottes and GL wyandottes w/ them
Poyos'mama- White Java Roo, almost a year old, "Eli" $5, I have both white & black Java eggs coming tommorrow.
Blue Orpington Roo, going to be as Big as Daddy
Barred Rock Roo~Take him - Free
2 Silkies, I Believe both are hens, one white, one black $5 ea., about 3 months old, I have Silkies hatching in 3 days.
Buttercup Roo, pretty boy, about 3 months, $2
Several mixed Wy/Orp & Orp/Astralorp hens, both black and white, 2-4 months, 1 already free-ranging, will be Great Layers, $5 ea.
Barred Rock &/or Dominique mixes, all Barred, several, both hens & roos.
Nicole= have a few chickens, baby rabbits, turkeys too.
also have some seedlings several weeks old
Candida= Native american crafts
Chickie's moma-a few bantam cockerels i'll be bringing to sell. one is a mix of something-will be 7 months old on 4/1, he has feathered feet to the outer toes, beard and muff, 5 points on his comb but he has wattles showing, and is black with red saddle and some gold looking lacing on his stomach area. the other cockerel is a 7week old blue d'uccle
homemade jams and jellies
Keesemom-5 month old black silkie cockerels and a buff "IT" with a slight cross beak
must be loosing it=I will have with me some started standards - roo is a lavendar orp and the hens are either cochins or black orpingtons, with a possible wyandotte.
A few pure araucana's - rumpless but no tufts. They do have the tufted gene however.
Several mixed bantams - some pure cochin and silkies but otherwise crazy cute chicks.
I will have a few poults if the hatch goes well today, but only a few.
I will bring a blue rumpless roo araucana.
Buff laced polish couple - standardSilver Laced polish couple - standard,
A partridge showgirl roo w/ some show girl chicks. Basically a variety.
I can bring some fertile turkey eggs as well if anyone is interested.
And a big thank you to Gypsy for helping us put this together.
Thank you Chickn (wendy) for getting the info out there.
And thank you al6517 for all the great info!
Lets get the fun going!!!!!!
Me and my husband are having a chicken stock and all is welcome!!!
Spring Chick Fling Chicken stock 2010
In Townsend Mass. All surrounding states are more than welcome.
This is a pot luck cookout event
Come join the fun,sell, trade, buy!!!
Please no alcohol.
Date = March 21 ,2010
Time= 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Set up time=8:00 am
Address= 181 Fitchburg rd, Townsend Ma, 01469 rt 13.
e-mail= [email protected] ( shay20 on byc)
Contacts for info- Shay20 & Gypsy & Chickn
[email protected] & Chickn= [email protected]
Free 6 month GFM Raffle no money for this raffle is totally free for all BYC members who attend this chicknstock!!!!
There will be an area for food and drinks, All is welcome to make or bring something.
We can make a list of things that will be brought,
So if you want to help out with pot luck, snacks, drinks, plates ,cups, food, and anything else you can think of to make this event a great event for all, then you can just let me know, and will add everything to a list, that will be provide on BYC and the NH Market fair group.
Times will follow as we get posted, so give up those ideas people we need them!
You can come set up your tables, come sell your chicks, adult birds, crafts, plants ect . You can list what you are selling as well.
We WILL also have an egg hunt for the kids, get them ready and give them a taste of Easter on the way!
And if any one knows any one who face paints that would be a bonus for the kiddys .
And any other ideas are welcome , just plan with us a head of time please.
Raffles , silent auctions.
We will hold some raffles as well, this will help to pay for the Porto potty that I have to provide.
So if you want to donate items for the raffles all is accepted
Raffles will be $1.00 per ticket or $5.00 an arm length.
Raffle items
Filled Easter buckets
Tropical plant
Chicken plates- donated by firedove
Home made jewelery- donated by aceschix
Rooster design pot holders & cloth
Black tailed white jap rooster
Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock Bantams, - donated by poultry run farms
egg carton labels- donated by Adozengirlz
25 pound med chick starter
25 pound bag cracked corn
Bracelet- donated by Erin
You want to auction something off then bring it along or them along , you win the winnings for your items being auctioned off.
It is a silent auction, meaning the items will be placed on tables or floor, with a piece of paper with that item on it, and people can write there name down and how much they bid, then the next puts there name down under that other name and outbids, and so on, until it is time to call off the winners.
Items being auctioned off
you can bring what ever, no need to notify ahead of time unless you want it posted here.
firedove- 1 brown and rust cockerel, 1 blue and red cockerel, and one very pretty grey and white pullet, all EEs.
shay20- maybe a frizzled cochin pullet ? cochin standard eggs, ameraucana eggs , Self Blue D'uccle pair 6 weeks old
Nancy (mysister-law)- Flower center-pieces
LuvMyBlr- Partridge wyandottes pairs
I am thinking on doing a HAM & Pork oh and a lot of other stuff just dont know yet.
C SPOTS FARM=- napkins, paper plates and cups.
Macaronie salad with apple
Candida= drinks
Tamelroy= box of Joe from dunkin
muffi=Chips and Muddy Buddies
Poyo's mama- Turkey Poults
sherrydeanne= Would like a blrw or........... anything
whitewolfvt=Salmon Faverolle bantam pullets or hens,
langshans, goldem laced cochin
snowhorse= Marans - Black Copper/ Wheaton/ Or Spalsh (Pullets or chicks)
And BLRW (also pullets or chicks) = Female muscovies
Firedove= WC Blue & WC black polish bantams
pringle- Polish female, quail ,
bantam pullets or hens,
brown coturnix quail
LuvMyBlr-SSH pullets or hens
SELL!!! - Dont forget your tables for set up.
aceschix = cochin mixes
black cochin roo over SLW, GLW,
Black & Buff Cochins, BCM. They all have feathered feet.
Also Hatching wellies, Marans & Cochins (eggs ordered from BYCers).
sherrydeanne= Brabanters,
Cuckoo Maran's
Gypsy= Possible Midget Whites
whitewolfvt= A pair of Barred Rock,
A trio of Cochin/ Silkie mixes,
A Cochin/ Silkie mix rooster,
A grey (or blue) Silkie rooster
2 White silkie roosters
snowhorse= 3 RIR hatched 2/5 for sale $3 each, or trade
Gypsylion=table of home made art and jewelry
Chickn= flemish giant babies white steel sandys maybe grays as well
firedove=some of my painted artwork etched glass,
2 ee cockerels
and a pair of EE.
Spotplus= Bantam Silver Laced Wyandotte chicks hatched 2/23,
Bantam Blue laced Red Wyandotte chicks hatched 2/23
Silver Sebright chicks hatched 2/23 , Golden Sebright Chicks hatched 2/23 ,
Bantam Birchen Cochin Chicks ,
Bantam Light Brahma chicks
mix of pure bred Bantam Duccle
, silkie,
Sultan and frizzle chicks,
Button Quail+,Button Quail Eggs
White China goose goslings (maybe),
tuxido button quails babys,
East Indie ducklings
shay20= White Silkie cockerel, 2 and half months old, a tiny crooked beak, Gold Sexlinks Pullet chicks
2 black astralorpe pullets ,
red cochin bantam chicks
Red frizzle cochin bantam chicks,
white frizzle cochin bantam chicks,
black frizzle cochin bantam chick
Gold laced polish chicks,
Silver laced polish chick, white crested black polish chicks,
Self Blue d'uccle cockerel,
Gold laced phoenix or BBred phoenix cockerel
Cotuix quail they are carry the cinnamon.
Tulips sinlge pots plants,
hyacinth single pots plants,
cucumber sinlge pots plants,
green zucchini sinlge pots plants,
watermelon sinlge pots plants
Poultry Run Farm-Trio White Old English, one year old-male has crocked toes, so far none of the offspring has had them and we've hatched probably 30 or more from this trio. Both girls have been shown and did OK, no DQ's. Also offspring from them, mixed ages, 2 bantam sultan pullets, both laying,Silver Quail D'Anvers Male, almost a year old.
2 Quail D'Anvers Roos, these are almost two years old, both have been shown Junior and have done pretty well.
Pair of Salmon Faverolles, they are about 4 months old. Plus have extra males
White D'Anvers male, he is out of self blues, 5 months old.
Young buff silkie male, about 4 months, pretty sure it's a male had him in the growing pen and the D'anvers male was picking on him and he sure does look male, right now he has nice clear color.
spoiled inside guinea, pretty sure female, she thinks she's a chicken lol about 5 months old.
LuvMyBlr-SL wyandottes and GL wyandottes w/ them
Poyos'mama- White Java Roo, almost a year old, "Eli" $5, I have both white & black Java eggs coming tommorrow.
Blue Orpington Roo, going to be as Big as Daddy
Barred Rock Roo~Take him - Free
2 Silkies, I Believe both are hens, one white, one black $5 ea., about 3 months old, I have Silkies hatching in 3 days.
Buttercup Roo, pretty boy, about 3 months, $2
Several mixed Wy/Orp & Orp/Astralorp hens, both black and white, 2-4 months, 1 already free-ranging, will be Great Layers, $5 ea.
Barred Rock &/or Dominique mixes, all Barred, several, both hens & roos.
Nicole= have a few chickens, baby rabbits, turkeys too.
also have some seedlings several weeks old
Candida= Native american crafts
Chickie's moma-a few bantam cockerels i'll be bringing to sell. one is a mix of something-will be 7 months old on 4/1, he has feathered feet to the outer toes, beard and muff, 5 points on his comb but he has wattles showing, and is black with red saddle and some gold looking lacing on his stomach area. the other cockerel is a 7week old blue d'uccle
homemade jams and jellies
Keesemom-5 month old black silkie cockerels and a buff "IT" with a slight cross beak
must be loosing it=I will have with me some started standards - roo is a lavendar orp and the hens are either cochins or black orpingtons, with a possible wyandotte.
A few pure araucana's - rumpless but no tufts. They do have the tufted gene however.
Several mixed bantams - some pure cochin and silkies but otherwise crazy cute chicks.
I will have a few poults if the hatch goes well today, but only a few.
I will bring a blue rumpless roo araucana.
Buff laced polish couple - standardSilver Laced polish couple - standard,
A partridge showgirl roo w/ some show girl chicks. Basically a variety.
I can bring some fertile turkey eggs as well if anyone is interested.
And a big thank you to Gypsy for helping us put this together.
Thank you Chickn (wendy) for getting the info out there.
And thank you al6517 for all the great info!
Lets get the fun going!!!!!!
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