Spring silkies


6 Years
Aug 11, 2013
Qualicum Beach, BC
I have 2 white silkies, a girl and boy I was told, just want to be sure! They are a spring hatch 2013, so almost full grown. Thanks!

1. She is tiny, half the size of the cockerel

2. This is the boy

I don't see any hard evidence it's a male, and he should be showing at least some signs by now. Maybe it's a stealth rooster... 'He' has the facial development of a hen though. The physical size doesn't really mean anything, males of many breeds are about the same size as females. Sometimes larger, sometimes smaller, but overall they stand more upright and seem larger because of it. The crest is a bit bigger but still well within the limits of a typical females' crest and could get larger without being typically male, too.

If you're friends with the person you got them from, maybe ask them. I think they gave you two hens. I had mine sexed by the breeder to get all females and she was wrong on 2 out of 10. Best wishes.
Thanks!! I have not heard any crowing or seen fight posturing like a roo, just pecking the smaller ones.

If 'he' is a she, that's good news for me! I bought them as a pair from a couple, which was totally fine because they look beautiful to me, but I do have 8 other babies, that we're pretty sure 2 of which are roo's.
I am amazed that people can see a difference a male and female, I am still very new to this!
They were born the first week of May, so they are 14-15 weeks old, they don't 'peep' anymore. here is an additional pic of the second one from behind


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