
I have a rooster with huge spurs. I just wrap duct tape around them, it works really well and it’s an easy and safe alternative to trying to file or cut them.
I have a friend in the village who does something similar with his game roosters. His wife made leather shoes and spur guards. While cock fighting here is now thankfully illegal a few still train their roosters with the old methods. It's a bit like humans wearing boxing gloves. Think of it what you will but imo it's a lot better than how roosters used to get trained.
My boyfriends aunt has a mean rooster when I seen him his spurs were so long like 8 inches or more, I have never seen them so big
She has to go to feed them with a trash can lid as protection

I have had roosters before but these are my first two that I actually have had them grow spurs before, the others had them but they were small

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