Squat walking chick


May 4, 2015

I have a 5-6 week old leghorn chick that can barely walk, and is always laying down. We've seperated her from the others, but don't know what else to do. I have been trying to keep her fed and hydrated, but she won't eat on her own so I made a mix of her feed and water. She's really unbalanced and I'm really worried. She could have fallen, because when we open our brooder they would like to fly on the rim, but can get clumsy and fall. She was fine yesterday morning, but last night when I went to check on her she wouldn't get up, and she was a pretty active chick. When she does try to walk, she doesn't seem in pain or anything, but gets irritated when she can't move without falling. Please help, she's part of my first generation.
Welcome. Get some poultry vitamins right away to put in her water that contain riboflavin (vitamin B2.) You could also use baby vitamins (polyvisol without iron,) Poultry Cell 1 ml daily by moth, or other vitamins, but riboflavin deficiency can cause the symptoms of sitting on hocks and lameness. It must be treated early or can be permanent. Do her toes curl into a fist?
Welcome. Get some poultry vitamins right away to put in her water that contain riboflavin (vitamin B2.) You could also use baby vitamins (polyvisol without iron,) Poultry Cell 1 ml daily by moth, or other vitamins, but riboflavin deficiency can cause the symptoms of sitting on hocks and lameness. It must be treated early or can be permanent. Do her toes curl into a fist? 

It does curl into a fist and she is eating and drinking fine. We think she fell and maybe paralyzed herself.
The curled toes and sitting on hocks are classic signs of riboflavin deficiency. I do hope you start some vitamins soon.
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