That's normal......i was a wreak for a whole week before mine hatched....just try and keep you self busy so you don't stress to easier said than done though. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
lol, i've got it worse though! over a course of about 3 years, i've tried to incubate eggs 3 times, all failed! only once did i not know why the eggs didn't hatch. the other 2 times are obvious
i've got a feeling they will and they won't hatch
Well if you have had problems in the past than im sure you have learned what to do and not to do....and you are at the best place to get any advice you may need so im sure all will be well!!
At this point all you can do is wait.....if you did everything right up to this point then just stay positive and sit on your hands and im sure everything will be ok.
todays hatch day and my brians ranting on that the egg isn't going to hatch! (i did an eggtopsy on the other egg that was due today only to find out it either wasn't fertilized or it just didn't incubate)
I had your same problem, my egg hasn't hatched ether, So I opened it up to see if it was still alive and it was! it started bleeding a lot and it's not looking very good right now
So try not to mess with it or you will end up hurting them...
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