St Louis Zoo - Cypress Swamp Aviary Pics


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 15, 2012
Hi everybody! I'm new here :) I've had ducks as long as I can remember, have had call ducks for a little over a year, and got my first mandarin pair 6 days ago. I guess you could say I'm adduckted ;) While I'm not really in a position to have an elaborate aviary yet, I've been looking at the aviaries members have here for ideas and I'm super impressed! I thought I'd post some pictures of the St Louis Zoo's waterfowl habitat, the Cypress Swamp exhibit. I don't have any pictures of the entire thing yet, but I'll get some tomorrow. Enjoy! :)

. Your a great Photographer!
Thanks for the welcome everyone! These aren't my ducks, they belong to the zoo. I'll post pics of the calls and mandarins sometime later.
Here are some better pictures of the aviary that I took well as some of the ducks (the Zoo's, not mine).


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