Standard Brahma cockerel, how long until his hormones calm down?


8 Years
Apr 16, 2011
El Monte
My cockerel is close to 7 months now and unfortunately he is a dork in love matters, which I wouldn't mind except that our mystery breed pullets turned out to be gamey mutts, and they didn't grow that big. They all have been together since they were about 12 weeks old, and they get along great except when he's in mating mode. He's probably about 7 pounds right now, and the pullets are between under 4 pounds to 5lbs. I also have a grownup gamey mutt stray hen we caught, and a barred rock hen who is not in good health atm.

The cockerel only has access to the gamey hen because 2 of my three pullets are not laying eggs yet, and they run away from him when he tries to mount them. I have no idea why these two aren't laying yet since another pullet of the same age and mutt flock is laying, and the poor pullet already is missing some back feathers so I keep her separated with the barred rock and the other pullets. I'm getting a bit tired of all this chasing around and screaming, so when can I expect the cockerel to calm down a bit? another 6 months, a year?

I wish I had known my pullets were going to remain small, and that I had known how big brahmas actually grow (I had never seen that breed before so I couldn't visualize irl how big was big XD). He's a sweetheart and despite being so big, he's so tame that when my nieces manage to catch them, they play with his wattles and comb and he has never tried to peck them. Heck, he's never given us a real stink eye yet. I've heard of people that have flocks of mixed sizes, and the lady I got the brahma from has a flock of over 20 chickens of regular and bantam size, and her alpha rooster is a 14 pound 9 year old rooster, and when I saw him the rooster was lying next to his bantam mille fleur gf XD. Seeing that I have the hope my rooster will eventually learn to be gentle, but how long will that be? will that happen when he finishes growing?
Cockerals are like teenage boys at that age. As you suspect, maturity is the answer and that usually occurs by the first birthday. In your situation, with him actually damaging some of the girls, I would recommend penning him seperately until he`s past 10 months and then giving him a try. It`s either that, or just let nature take it`s course and be on the lookout for any blood that may occur. While you`re at it, cut out the screaming and chasing. No need for that and it adds to the stress level for all concerned. Brahmas are among the gentlest breeds and he will be fine, eventually, even with the small girls. Good luck........Pop
I've been keeping them separated, specially since my barred rock hen has been having some health issues, and right now most of my chickens have been having respiratory infections, and even though I've tried to isolate the sick ones, it was too late and everybody got sick, and are at different stages of recovery. Right now what I do is keep Roo with the gamey hen in the run and the others outside, then in the afternoon gets the girls in the run, and Roo on his own outside the run. They can see each other but he can't chase them, and they do hang out togehter through the wire fence

So I guess it will be at least another 4-6 months of rotation until everybody gets along well, thank you for the reply

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