Standard Old English Games

Hey are you able to get me some eggs , I am in the same situation I can't find my beloved game fowl . thanks
Looking for any of these blood lines hatch,kelso,sweater,round head,greys,brown red,blue English or anything really beautiful ,I am in canada so US gamefowl will be an issue i think please help.
I have a pair of large carlisles at my grandpas in England, I should get them in June! When I get them I'm going to put a sumatra hen in with the carlisle cockerel and see if i can breed some oxford type oegs. Here's a picture of the cockerel.

A oxford has a more upright and sporty look to them, and the way to tell a oxford from a carlisle is the angle of their back and the angle of their wing. A carlisle is more of a exhibition bird and they're backs are horizontal and they're wings go horizontally. Where as a oxfords back goes at more of a 45 degree angle so does they're wing.



The above are oxfords
The below are carlisles.


Beautiful fowl.

The American gamefowl come similarly built. Generally the more horizontal are older more power strains whereas the upright strains where the legs seem to feed right into the breasts are considered a speed cutting type fowl. But with the more modern crossing of the speed on power strains, it seems you seem less and less of old brick built horizontal types.

Oriental influence from way back has a lot to do with the upright carriage too.
I particularly like the brown red in the last photo. The pumpkin in the first photo is extremely nice too.

I've always been partial pea comb type fowl.
"Carlisle" are what we in America call Old English Games
"Oxford" are what we call the Pit fowl or American games.
Of course the type is somewhat different in UK on both but that is what they generally resemble.
You do realize that they are dubbed not pea-combed

Yes sir. I just changed subjects in mid stream.....I've dubbed hundreds of these birds through the yrs. ....I'm partial to the looks of a dubbed pea comb cock, and partial to trimming a pea comb. Much easier than straight comb.

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