Staph Infecrion


Nov 2, 2019
Help is needed in understanding Staph in chickens- we have a 1.5 year old hen that grew bumps on her feet. She had a hard time walking for months. When we asked our farm vet, she said it was staph. Although the bumps are no longer there, she continues to have a hard time functioning both physically and, it seems, mentally- I have searched the internet but no information found. Help…
The only thing I can think of would be fowl pox in which lesions can appear on the legs/feet. However, lesions would appear on the comb and wattles as well. If there wasnt lesions on the comb or wattles, I would think that it might have been a staph infection on the feet and legs.
Did the vet recommend a treatment?
Back to basics; when was the last time she laid an egg? She could be eggbound.
Have you inspected her closely for lice/mites especially around the vent area?
When was the last time you wormed her? What does her poop look like?
She lays eggs but on the floor of the coop as she doesn’t typically roost on poles anymore. She is definitely not egg bound as her vent is clear of egg and mites. We regularly use diatenatious (sp?) Earth on all of our flock. They receive vinegar in their water changed out daily. It’s a very strange situation… one we have never encountered before in all the years tending -
She lays eggs but on the floor of the coop as she doesn’t typically roost on poles anymore. She is definitely not egg bound as her vent is clear of egg and mites. We regularly use diatenatious (sp?) Earth on all of our flock. They receive vinegar in their water changed out daily. It’s a very strange situation… one we have never encountered before in all the years tending -
Poop is good

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