Start quail eggs first time, first day

Surprised you could see into them. I've never had any luck candling quail eggs so don't even bother anymore.

Our 4 eggs went into lockdown this morning so fingers crossed, although would be surprised if any hatch.
Keep up date when they hatch ok!
Oh I'm not really saw them clearly ....
Just guessd :p
I will lockdown on Wednesday !
Just put 15 quails in my incubator. Anxious!!

How eggsciting! Let us know how you go.

Haven't seen any wobbles from our 4, so not very hopeful.

Edited to say out mini bator does tend to result in hatch day being a couple of days later than our larger automatic one, so will give them until the weekend.
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Don't give up yet...last time my chicks didn't show any sigh of life at all .....they just piped out
All coturnix. Our last batch weren't the liveliest we've ever hatched either, but will still be surprised with these 4 given the start they had.
I'm so worry the one that not fertilized will explore
Because I still leave all of them in incubator

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