Start quail eggs first time, first day

MY A # M,S HATCH IN 18 DAYS,I READ LAST NIGHT THAT BOBWHITE HATCH IN 21 DAYS.i GET VERE LITTLE MOVEMENT FROM MINE BEFORE THEY HATCH.yOU,RE NOT SUPPOSED to help them out,but if they only make one peck they might not make it.I just use my finger nail to brake off little pieces of shell,nad just grab membrane to tear off.Most of them live,had one the other day that died during the night with his beak out one little hole .Im tired of hatching this year,is a full time job,50 lbs of feed a week..Tomorrow is day 15 on one incubator of a and m,s
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I got 3 hatch this morning ....
I didn't see any pip at all .....I heard the noise and saw the babies :D

4 now

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