Starting off advice, Please help :s


In the Brooder
Feb 20, 2015
We are looking at getting some peafowl and would like some advise please

Bit of background information
We have 8 acres of garden, 1.5 is woodland. On our land we have 10 free range chickens, 8 enclosed runner ducks, numerous doves and 2 well behaved dogs.
We live in the north west, near ribble valley.

We have heard if you are getting a pair its best to get more female. So with this we would be after 3/1
Ideally we would like a mix of pure white and blue. Have heard its ok to mix these two.

Couple of questions
How big does the aviary have to be?? does anyone know of a good company to use to build one?
To start we heard you would need to enclose them for 3 months so they get used to their source of food income then can let them roam after is this right?

Can you keep the aviary within the woodland area?
Are there any local peafowl companies/breeders in the north west area anyone is aware of. Sorry not being lazy have attempted in looking but haven't found anything too local.

If anyone can give any other advise we would need to help with starting up it would be much appreciated

Hello Paul and
, and especially, to the Peafowl Department!

A great place to start out with basic pea questions are the Peafowl Stickies (see below). It is likely that many of your questions will be answered there.
As far as aviary size, peas are happiest with at least 100 square feet per bird, and you also need plenty of height for when the fellas have long trains.

It looks like you are in the UK? We have some UK people here who might be able to help you with more local information. In fact, @Yorkshire Coop might not be all that far from you?

Good luck!
Here's the link to the stickies:
"Sticky" Threads for the "Peafowl" forum:
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Realistically 100 square feet per pea is only decent for a temporary holding pen. If you live by a main road, you may have problems free ranging peas- they seem to like getting in the road. Not sure what your predators are like, but here in MI,USA, peas do well free ranging until breeding season, brooding hens are "sitting ducks" for predators. 3 hens to a cock is a good ratio but not necessary, in my experience the cock will pick a favorite to hang out with, they don't seem to harass the hens like roosters sometimes do.
The only problem I can think of with an aviary in the woods is how to cover it. Make your aviary as big as you can, with a smaller holding pen nearby. If you free range, continue to feed in the aviary, it will help when you need to catch one to medicate or whatever.
Peas need a higher protein feed than chickens or ducks, many of us feed game bird or its equivalent. Some people find them a little harder to raise than chicks, keep them warm,dry, & clean, add a couple of teaspoons of apple cider vinegar per quart of their water and you shouldn't have any problems with the babies. Either have fecal test done or worm them regularly.
I would recommend if you live in a wooded area and especially near a road you keep them permanently confined. They like to wander and in a woodland it's easy for them to get turned around or for them to wander off. Predators such as owls, coyotes, owls, raccoons, and even possums would have easy access to the birds if they are allowed to roam free. White peafowl especially are vulnerable to predators because of their coloring. I agree that building the biggest pen you can afford is important with peafowl they really can't be crowded or they get sick easily. I'd also keep them separately from the chickens as chickens can carry diseases that won't harm the chickens but will kill peafowl.

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