steepness of ramp from coop to ground


9 Years
Apr 12, 2010
Southern California
hi all.. Still working on the coop/run and getting close now.. We've got everything enclosed but still need a door and sides on the coop.. So.. My next question is regarding the steepness of the ramp from the coop to the run.. Our coop is about 3.5 feet off the ground and once I figure in the deep litter method being used it may be higher.. Is there any issue with having a steep walk from the coop to the run for the birds? The length of the run from the front of the coop to the far side of the run is 8 feet.. Is having something along the lines of 5-6 feet long OK for them? I don't want to make it too steep..
Sounds like it should be fine.......I covered mine with hardware cloth and they have no problems climbing it.

There are a couple of pics on my page that you could get an idea how steep it is - i wouldn't say it is longer than 6 foot or so.
before we put carpet on our ramp the girls would all slip down it and land on their butts but i think as long as their is some traction they will get up and down fine no matter how steep

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