Still Air Incubator Question


8 Years
Feb 25, 2011
Hi all, I thought I'd ask for thoughts on a potential solution I've been mulling over for a couple of days. I have a Hovabator styrofoam still air incubator, and I am worried about temperature fluctuations at night.

Our house gets down to about 63 at night (hubby's fault) even in the most stable of rooms. I have done a test run with my incubator, and by morning the temps inside are around 69 to 70.

My question is: Should I not worry about this kind of temperature shift happening nightly? Should I wrap a towel around the bator before going to bed? Should I try to put medium sized stones in the incubator to retain heat? Should I smack my forehead repeatedly for getting a still air bator and/or living with a polar bear?

any insight would be thoroughly appreciated!
Thanks for responding! I have the fluctuations under control in the daytime. It stays at 100 -101 at the top of the egg level, and 98-99 at the bottom.

it's just the darn temp at night that's the problem.
That incubator should be able to maintain its temp in a 63 degree room easily. How warm is the room during the day? Try setting the temp in the morning when the house is coolest and see if and how much it overheats during the warm part of the day. Maybe you can find a happy medium that will work.
That's an awesome idea, I will definitely do that. Do you recommend that I just forget messing around with a towel at night then? I'm worried about causing a temp spike by doing that before the house gets super cold.

The thermostat in my home is set to a little above 70 during the day as the hubby isn't home most of the day and our thermostat war ended in a peace treaty where I get the daytime temps, but he gets what he wants at night. So it's a pretty extreme swing by about 20 degrees.
I have the same incubator...I consistent temperature is the best option. The temp shouldn't affect the hatch as long as the room temp doesn't fluctuate more than 10 degrees. I wouldn't wrap a towel around it. This will affect the humidity and oxygen supply to the eggs. My last hatch with this incubator was 16 out of 20 eggs.
Rereading through this thread I'm getting the impression that your in-house overnight temp is probably 53 as opposed to 63.
That's going to change my suggestion. I'd get a cardboard box that I could set the incubator in with the box lying on its side.
Use a box big enough to get in and do what you need to do with the 'bator. Things like lifting the lid, adding water, etc.
Close the box up and let the incubator warm up its own mini environment. The heat leaking from the 'bator will be captured
in the box and should maintain a fairly stable temp somewhat higher than the overnight room temp. Punch some small air holes near
the top to allow some air exchange. Throw a blanket over the box at night if need be to get the temp you need for it to be
able to maintain a steady temp inside. During the day while the house is warmer I'd open the box to prevent overheating
then just close it up in the evening,
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Yes, I'm very sorry that was a typo. It does get down that low. I will try your suggestions. Sorry about hte confusion, and thanks for taking the time to offer suggestions
No amount of extra insulation will help. No matter what you do the temp in a still air incubator will fluctuate with the outside temp. Unless you plug all the vents completely which would also be bad.

Here read this.

Your only options are to ether find a stable room or put a fan in the incubator.

The box is an interesting idea but has a good chance of raising the temp of the intake air an in turn cooking the eggs.

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