STILL LOOKING!!!.... Experienced Caponizer, Caponizing, Caponize, Rooster Neuter... Willing to trave

Hahaha well at least he doesn't seem to mind to much. Yes well if you keep their topknots and or beards trimmed then thy should be able to see better ( I trim my girls topknots so they can see better and so they don't get food all through it, tho darla just puts her head straight into the food so I don't know why I bother sometimes lol) do your birds have dry dirt/sand to bath in? Cause your white Silkirs will turn grey but they will love it. Sorry I don't know the us mail times as I don't live there but I'm guessing if its fast post then not long. Some place do have restrictions but I am unaware of who has what where
Yes they are out bathing in the dirt holes in the back yard. Zsa Zsa had a bath yesterday and Fluffy had one on Sat. I said to the hubby last night, I wonder how many people bathe their chickens? I got the normal crazy look :)
More than you would think... And honestly wet chicken smell is worse than wet dog... ( my mother shows chickens) and occasionally I have to bath one of mine should something happen. It's been an awful autumn here and
So wet so I purchased a baby bath at a second hand store and put dry dirt in it and they loved it and it saves the garden ( not that it matters since its to wet haha) there are pic on my profile if you would like to see them having a great time bathing. I feel that the bath encourages them to bathe but also not to dig holes ( they can't really anyway as their feet don't damage the ground like other chickens) but it also means less pot holes to fall in lol
Thanks for the tip! I will also go and check out your little ones :)
And about the smell... oh yeah! And it was funny my 7 yr old was holding her in a towl after her bath and she says "Eeeewwww Wet Chicken is the worst!"
haha I totally agree with that, it really is the worst. and then if you dry the chicken off ( you pretty much have to with Silkies) then it smells like wet chickens and hair straighteners... its just awful lol
Well bad bad news. PIP came home yesterday with his groin sutured. And no caponizing... The Vet said that the testes were under developed and too small to remove.

I looked at her puzzled... I asked if she incised / cut at the 1st and 2nd rib under the wing. She said NO? And I said you have experience caponizing... right :-(
I want to say you're kidding, but I know in my heart you're not......

Seriously. How pathetic.
I don't know anything about Caponizing... but it doesn't sound like she did either.... . I thought this was supposed to be an experienced vet? however I gues its possible that they were to small, or what every the equilivelent is. well I hope he heals well and that you find one who actually can do it
The testes weren't too small, or if they were, the vet would never have known! Bird's testes are under their ribs, under the wings. Not in the groin area. Probably a good thing she didn't remove anything, who knows what she might have yanked out

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