Still looking for confirmation please?

They should be old enough to start growing in male-specific saddle feathers. I might see some on the SLW??
I'm new to keeping these feathered beauties and hatched my own but they have me so confused lol.
I'm so grateful to everybody's help on this site youare all amazingly helpful. Thank you
There’s a good image floating around with pics of saddle feathers, but unfortunately I don’t have a link. They start up on the middle of the back. Yeah, they do look like cockerels, but don’t count them out until you see the saddles to be 100% (don’t get hopes up though ...). It’s not unheard of to have a pullet get red in the comb early!
Wait ... I’m getting myself confused about coloration of the Wyandotte now ... hope someone with experience steps in ... I thought male laced Wyandotte had different coloration than females? Like solid colored wings? I had two BLRW this summer and fairly certain their solid wings were showing by that age...?
Wait ... I’m getting myself confused about coloration of the Wyandotte now ... hope someone with experience steps in ... I thought male laced Wyandotte had different coloration than females? Like solid colored wings? I had two BLRW this summer and fairly certain their solid wings were showing by that age...?
Oh really? My SLW has me most confused but is huge so I was leaning towards cockeral but they are growing so slow compared to my growing curiosity lol I just wish there was sn easy way to tell for sure... haha I guess time will tell and I just have to keep waiting....
I relied on those saddle feathers to be sure for my various breed chicks. Had a pullet that was always bigger than the others and got red in the comb early, but she’s definitely a she! Also had a vent sexed girl end up being a boy. Nevermind he started crowing at six weeks, he definitely had those saddles (Rarely a female can try crowing)
This is the best I have for images of saddles. Pretty sure they were around 3 months??


^ This one is a poorly colored Light Brahma, the one that looked boyish but is female. It’s hard to tell because of the coloring, but the feathers on her lower back to tail base are rounded at the ends.


^ hard to tell because they are white, but this was a Light Brahma whose feathers on his lower back and curving down at the base of the tail are narrow and more importantly very pointed at the tips.
This is the best I have for images of saddles. Pretty sure they were around 3 months??

View attachment 2468424
^ This one is a poorly colored Light Brahma, the one that looked boyish but is female. It’s hard to tell because of the coloring, but the feathers on her lower back to tail base are rounded at the ends.

View attachment 2468426
^ hard to tell because they are white, but this was a Light Brahma whose feathers on his lower back and curving down at the base of the tail are narrow and more importantly very pointed at the tips.
Wow thank you so much I can see what you mean
Yours are all cockerels. Your breeds look right too :) I will mention in advance that your Araucana standard in Australia is different than in the US, so some may mention that your Araucana is actually an Ameraucana due to the breed differences in countries, but yours is what you think :)

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