I know there is still something wrong and I have not figured it out. I have several other threads pertaining to this over the last 6 months or so. I have talked to many people, and tried their suggestions over time. Feed, anti-fungal creams, bleach water, wazine, probiotics, vinegar, a complete 6 hour high pressure wash of coop with sterilization, and sulmet on two occasions. We have had a necrospy very early on that was returned inconclusive...no fungus, no bacteria. We had butchered three mean roo Orps that had strange looking livers. It was decided here that it might be fatty liver from feed. These same birds should have been 7lbs but were 4.5. Whatever it is, it does not affect the ducks.
Okay current issues and photos:

A male guinea that does this...almost all day. He will roost in a tree but prefers the coop, get up and drink, eats what is in front of him when he lays down, makes *quiet* noises. Not typical guinea behavior. The guineas started this when illness struck. One died. Three are left. This behavior has been repeated several times in 6 mos...lasting about a week or so. This time, it has been over three weeks. I have talked to guinea owners who report to have never seen a "lazy" guinea.

Black spots - white areas on combs and waddles of all chickens. It does come and go or partially resolve itself only to return.

Black spots again. Hers are looking more like black warts at this time. (fowl pox)
That black on her nostril I don't think has always been there. It has been there for several months.

Little weight gain. Does he look like he should? He is about a year old. BR -- oh he was attacked by a dog a March 17th and he is looking great since then. He had lost all of his neck feathers. I will post that pic next because you can see the black tips on his comb in that one that have now gone away.

This guy in the foreground I thought was a BR. About 8mos old in this pic. He was killed by a coon...but if he was a BR he was enormous compared to my current BR roo.
Same pic: For physique comparison. This is Red (in the back). Taken in Nov 2012 just before the illness came. (I am certain now that I brought it in with a hen who died a couple of weeks later.) Red looks healthy to me here. Full breast and underside.

This is Red today. She feels like she weighs nothing.
Any thoughts?
Okay current issues and photos:
A male guinea that does this...almost all day. He will roost in a tree but prefers the coop, get up and drink, eats what is in front of him when he lays down, makes *quiet* noises. Not typical guinea behavior. The guineas started this when illness struck. One died. Three are left. This behavior has been repeated several times in 6 mos...lasting about a week or so. This time, it has been over three weeks. I have talked to guinea owners who report to have never seen a "lazy" guinea.
Black spots - white areas on combs and waddles of all chickens. It does come and go or partially resolve itself only to return.
Black spots again. Hers are looking more like black warts at this time. (fowl pox)
That black on her nostril I don't think has always been there. It has been there for several months.
Little weight gain. Does he look like he should? He is about a year old. BR -- oh he was attacked by a dog a March 17th and he is looking great since then. He had lost all of his neck feathers. I will post that pic next because you can see the black tips on his comb in that one that have now gone away.
This guy in the foreground I thought was a BR. About 8mos old in this pic. He was killed by a coon...but if he was a BR he was enormous compared to my current BR roo.
Same pic: For physique comparison. This is Red (in the back). Taken in Nov 2012 just before the illness came. (I am certain now that I brought it in with a hen who died a couple of weeks later.) Red looks healthy to me here. Full breast and underside.
This is Red today. She feels like she weighs nothing.
Any thoughts?