Stinkey Coop


11 Years
Feb 13, 2008
Does anyone know how to keep the stink under control in the run? It has been so rainy here and it's smells to high heaven. I got my chickens in the fall, and when it's cooler it doesn't smell so bad. Now it's hot and it is really stinkey! I don't have anything in the run except the ground right now. I was thinking of putting mulch in. Any ideas?
:lauThank you so much. I've just been reading about DE. I will be getting some! I love my chickens, but boy are they "fowl" hehehehe:p
Is it expensive? I shoulld probably try it. Because unless you clean like everyday, they will stink, particulary in the warm weather.
I assume it's safe or you wouldn't be using it. Do you put in directly on the ground?
I do put it directly on the ground. Some lime is safe some is not. I specify ag lime when I buy it. You do not want hydrated lime.
For my DE to be delivered to WI from it was 50 bucks...not bad considering some of the other sites. The actual 50 pound bag costs around 24 bucks but it was 27 for shipping.
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