Stolen Eggs

It makes me kinda nervous reading all these posts about the theifs. I'm wondering now if I should make a new door and padlock my couple of pullets up at night. They just started laying and I don't want any two leeged predaters taking my girls or their eggs. Although to get to their eggs they would have to unscrew the back of the coop on one side. I haven't had a chance to make nesting boxes yet and the major project is gooing to start in the spring. I really hope no one trys it here I would really hate to have to shoot them and get arrested for illegal use of a firearm.
I found out today that my neighbor spotted some teenaged boys in a car on the road behind my house scoping out my chickens. When he first saw them, they were on the opposite side of the road and the next time he looked, they have drove over to park right up to the edge of my lawn and was scoping out my chickens which were only about 20 feet away in a 6x8 fully enclosed run with the access door away from the road. There is nothing else they could have been looking at.

This makes me nervous, very nervous. Now I'm not going to be able to use my full lawn...only have a very small yard to begin with. I do have a padlock on my coop though and yard is not fenced in. Creepy!

Has anyone ever had to call the police because of something like this? What was the results?
Please be careful.Some boys broke into my husbands friend's pigeon loft and took his birds for gundog training. Get a big sign that says SMILE your on camera. That might make them think.ESP if you can put up a cheap fake camera.
I witnessed a bloodhound (dog) open a fridge and eat food, then stood up (about 6 feet tall on his hind legs) reached into the kitchen cabinets and eat a few loaves of wrapped wonderbread. I was there watching somebody elses' kids as a favor, there was no way I could stop the dog. He used his giant paws like monkey paws. He ate the packages too, the way dogs rip a rawhide toy, chew and swallow.

Somebody elses' video of smart canines taking things out of a fridge:

Anythings' possible, I think. Was your fridge available to coyotes or somebody smart as a fox?
Or if you really want to get their attention use this for a sign:


They'll get the message.

Also, never underestimate smart canines. When I was dating my wife, she had a standard size poodle who knew how to open the fridge, take what he wanted and close the door back. He never made a mess in fridge and would eat his ill gotten gains under the bed. He finally got busted when he got too greedy and ate a raw 6 lb roast beef and then promptly threw it up. Man was my father in law PO'd. I can still hear that dog yelping.
I went to pick up chicks the other day and they guy told me that someone stole one of his show/breeder roosters. Someone had come the day before to get some chicks and wanted that rooster, but he wouldn't sell it. Next day it was gone.
Im gonna get a custom sign on my coop that says " CHICKENS AND PROPERTY PROTECTED 24HRS BY AK-47"
Or if you really want to get their attention use this for a sign:

They'll get the message.

Also, never underestimate smart canines. When I was dating my wife, she had a standard size poodle who knew how to open the fridge, take what he wanted and close the door back. He never made a mess in fridge and would eat his ill gotten gains under the bed. He finally got busted when he got too greedy and ate a raw 6 lb roast beef and then promptly threw it up. Man was my father in law PO'd. I can still hear that dog yelping.
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I am planning to not only give most of my eggs to employees I work with but also to the needy...first flock will be laying this month...then next year "meat"

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