Stop laying.


In the Brooder
Nov 29, 2016
We have a senior citizen dog. Because of that we no longer have a gander. (That couple was adopted & we started again with 2 female goslings)
1st We were worried because one was laying eggs. 14 in total. Then the other hen started laying. That was a great relief at 1st. We thought she would eventually stop like the other but she is on her 25th egg and these aren't chicken eggs! So far all we have been doing is making it more obvious we are removing the eggs ASAP. All that has done has made the 1st laying hen turn full on butch. But at least I'm the target and not the dog. All laughs aside we need to stop this before the 2nd hen harms her self if she's not going to stop. Fence off the laying area? Fence off the pond? What?
You can't make them stop laying unless they go broody then they stop laying. Get out there and take the eggs everyday. Keep the dog out of their area. Not just ganders get protective and hormonal. My French Toulouse laid 40 eggs her first year of laying. We enjoyed everyone they make great omelets, But I would never let my dogs anywhere around my geese during breeding and laying and brooding season.
I'm no goose whisperer but I think if the 1st layer wasn't allowed to pretend she's such a boss of the yard. It sure won't hurt. Excuse me while I go give her a hug...
I thought my real question was what is the most effective solution to extend her lifespan? But then came lunch and you know how they are about being out and about these days. Learning the best thing to do takes time, always does. I don't know about brooding and/or how to get her
broody yet but thank's for your input. Today I saw her standing over egg # 26 and then set down on it. I lifted her off, took the egg, and squawked her back. An hour later she was back on the nest, her head in the corner. I call that acting broody but I'm so lost with this. Look at the feathers the other hen has plucked playing like she's a surfboard. This is getting ridiculous.
I don't believe she stayed there more than an our? Pretty sad. She's been serving them up every other day so. I'll have to wait to see what's on the menu tomorrow 1st.
There's a chance this is over already but not much.

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