Stop overfeeding your CX


11 Years
Apr 15, 2008
I've read a lot of folks on this board who state how they will never raise Cornish X Rocks again because they are so lazy, prone to 'flip' and lame legs, etc. While my wife was at the feed store the other day the fellow was explaining why she needs more feed, etc. because he raises his CX to 13 lbs in 8 weeks. He also explained how he looses many of his birds in the last weeks but he blamed it on the breed.

I've followed the Welp Hatchery instructions for taking away their feed at night (12 hrs feeding/12 hours off) and rasied my CX on pasture in a tractor moving it 1 or 2 times per day. They are just as healthy and active as many layers I've seen. This morning was a prime example. My birds are almost 7 weeks old. As soon as I opened the door, several of them came strolling out to get to fresh grass and find some bugs. While I was getting their feed I noticed a couple of them 'chest bumping' and a few trying to fly while running around. One of the last to come back into the tractor actually jumped up with both feet like he wanted to slam dunk a basketball! None were just laying lame on the ground.

I'm not suggesting that what I'm doing is magic. I'm just following someone else's recommendations and I've had several batches of CX that are very healthy and without any obvious fat around their hearts or distress come processing time.

I don't expect to raise them to 14 weeks or expect them to mate, but I do wonder how many of the health issues related to the breed are due to overfeeding.

I have 4 Cornish Rocks, 2 male & 2 female, that I have managed to raise to 14 weeks (will be this coming Tuesday.) At least one of the males is crowing now. When they were 3 weeks old I switched them over to grower/finisher feed and I only fed them twice a day. They're in a pretty big run by themselves and they seem just as happy and healthy as my layers.
You are absolutely correct!

My first year with Cornish X's I just fed them 24hrs and lost a bunch (25%)

For the last few years I feed 12 on, 12 off and MAYBE loose a couple a year.

This years birds seem much more energetic than previous years did. I haven't lost one yet and this morning I heard my first rather pathetic attempt at crowing!!! Gonna butcher next weekend
I know some folks who raise birds for meat on their organic farm. They have a moveable fence AND a movable coop (on wheels).

That way, they feed some grain but mostly the birds eat greens and bugs. The fenced in area is large and the coop keeps the birds safe at night.
I raised a few Cornish X with my range broilers -- once they were outside, they had a moveable shelter canopy and an electronet fence. I move the canopy every day, the fence every 5-7 days. It's rough weedy pasture, great for finding eats.

I lost one Cornish to a fence accident.

I butchered the others at nine weeks. They dressed out to about 7 1/2 pounds.

They ran around just like the rangers, ate a ton of grass and vegetation, and seemed happy and healthy until the end. They did not have feed in the trough 24/7 after going out on pasture. I let the troughs run out. And of course, they don't eat at night anyway.

They did not act like standard breed egg birds, but neither do the rangers. But they did okay, and I think we gave them a good life without any suffering from health problems.

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