
Mountain Peeps

Jesus is my life
Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Apr 23, 2014
My Coop
My Coop
This is for all the greeters: Could we perhaps stop welcoming new members from 5 or 6 months ago? When we do that it moves all the newest members down making them harder to find and greet.

5-6 mos. is hardly an old thread. Many people drag up ones from several years ago, when one person responds, then everyone behind him latches on. I'm surprised anyone looks at the date. New people generally post once or twice in the beginning then get caught up with their new chicks, in a few months they are back with real problems they need answered.

If you set to "Mark posts read." the posts here will have a white background if you have NOT responded to them. If you have responded they will appear in yellow. They show up quite well.
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I have found new members, unwelcomed, on page 4 because of all the barraging from several members of all these old threads. And some of these new members are unable to even find their threads because they are so far back. June may not seem all that long ago, but I am sure these members are no longer looking at their welcome thread from this far back. Especially those members that asked a medical question. They have either found a solution, the bird has healed or passed on.
I have found new members, unwelcomed, on page 4 because of all the barraging from several members of all these old threads. And some of these new members are unable to even find their threads because they are so far back. June may not seem all that long ago, but I am sure these members are no longer looking at their welcome thread from this far back. Especially those members that asked a medical question. They have either found a solution, the bird has healed or passed on.

Yep, just check the dates and zombie threads will not be resurrected.
Yes, I agree. It makes no sense to welcome members who have already been welcomed and that probably don't even check their thread anymore. There are NEW members out there who need to be welcomed, especially if they have a problem. Plus I didn't welcome all those members back in may and june so now I have to click each white thread and scroll up to see when it was posted. Takes me twice as long!

5-6 mos. is hardly an old thread. Many people drag up ones from several years ago, when one person responds, then everyone behind him latches on. I'm surprised anyone looks at the date. New people generally post once or twice in the beginning then get caught up with their new chicks, in a few months they are back with real problems they need answered.

If you set to "Mark posts read." the posts here will have a white background if you have NOT responded to them. If you have responded they will appear in yellow. They show up quite well.
Yes, I already have the white and yellow. It does help but not with finding the newest members.
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