Storage of Doxy-Tyl and Amox Powders


7 Years
Mar 17, 2017
Piketon, Ohio
My Coop
My Coop
Not sure if this thread belongs here, but how and where do you all store your unopened packets of Doxy-Tyl and Amoxicillin powders? My house is usually warmer than 22° C, so I’m thinking maybe I should store them in the fridge? Since those dumbbells on Capitol Hill decided that not only are We The People too stupid to use incandescent light bulbs, but we can’t be trusted with vet meds, I bought a fresh batch of each. I’d like to keep them fresh for as long as possible since there are no avian vets within a four-hour radius and I have no chance of obtaining a certificate that allows me to treat my pets…

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