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  • Hey FG I saw your post on the guy that was trying to get rid of the EE Rooster... anyway I saw you have golden laced wyandotte?
    I was thinking about getting some.
    I'd love to find the ones that have the blue hue in them...
    Are the cool birds?
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    Reactions: Farmgirl1878
    I like my GLW and my SLW. I do have a cockerel who’s a BLRW. He’s gorgeous! And he’s a great young cockerel. He loves his ladies and tidbits all the time. He breaks up squabbles, leads them to food and nesting places, keeps the, from wandering too far, and always has an eye to the sky. Wyandottes, imho, tend to like to wander. They’re independent, but friendly, curious, chatty birds.
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