Straight Run Unmarked Bin, what did I get?


In the Brooder
Mar 13, 2017
Indianapolis, IN
Picked up some chicks, and there was a bin filled with a bunch of different chicks, they didn't really know what was in there because I guess no one properly checked them in or something, or at least thats what I was told.

So, I got 3 white leghorn pullets, and 4 randoms.

Some of the chickens they had there were brown leghorns, rhode island reds, bantams and they said they had some sicilian buttercups. Of course, that doesn't guarentee whatever what was in the bin. 2 that I got looked pretty alike and i thought might be brown leghorns but now i'm not so sure, especially as one has much bolder markings and very defined stripes, while the other is more muted, even though within the similar spectrum. I think the plain one is a red, and then one that I have no idea. Hoping you guys can help. I have laying Ameraucanas at the moment.

Whole group

Chick A

Chick B (bold pattern with long stripe on the sides under the wings)

Chick C (that I think might be the RRRed)

Chick D (that looks like chick B but muted and blurred vs. the bold of chick B)

Any help or guesses would be appreciated! The 4 that aren't sexed were just sort of a random buy, though I kind of wouldn't mind a brown leghorn roo, lol.
I guess those are fuzzy cheeks? I am not sure. I go my first batch of chickens as a sort of random pregnancy buy >.> (instead of weird foods, I wanted cute animals.) so I know nothing about the breeds except when I google them. lol
Those are muffs, generally seen on Easter eggers, combined with a greenish tinge to their legs means they are Easter eggers. I can only see a couple of legs though, but it's enough.
yup, definitely greenish tint on the legs.

Great, more easter eggers. my first batch took FOREVER to lay too... closer to 9 months. Might end up being feeder chicks possibly since that was their original purpose, but wanted to get some opinions of what they were first just in case there was anything I didn't already have. My mom wants the RIR though, lol.
My last batch of Easter eggers were the first to start laying and have consistently laid since either daily or every other day. They are all mutts, some are better than others at laying, and some are very poor producers. It depends on the breeding behind them.

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